Spartan Tank of KHORNE! – Conversion Corner

By Rob Baer | July 21st, 2015 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Conversion Corner, Conversions

chaos spartan

Got left over bits from a Lord of Skulls? Checkout this ‘counts as’ Spartan Assault Tank that you can make from the extras!

Hobby maniac Andy Kessler of Arklight Studios sent in this awesome conversion that was based on the Khorne Murdertrain! 

Just Finished this Spartan Assault Tank and thought you might be interested as it was the work of Jair Nunez and his Khorne Murdertrain as seen on spikeybits  that finally directed my thoughts as to what to do with all the Lord of Skulls spare bits you get, ya know, every thing below the waist.

So apart from the guns its all LoS and plastic card. spikes and rivets are nail art gems

Andy -Arklight

chaos spartan (3) chaos spartan (2) chaos spartan (3) chaos spartan (4) chaos spartan (5) chaos spartan (7) chaos spartan 1


I love that there is something else to do with the bottom of the Lord of Skulls after you kitbash it!

Checkout Andy’s Knight of Slaanesh, head on over to the showcase HERE.


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Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits?  We want those pics!

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