The Biggest Tau You Ever Saw? – Army of One

By Rob Baer | September 30th, 2015 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, Tau

tau_ shaso large

Come see the rat pack squad of Big Shas and his elite Gue’vesa, as they battle for the greater good!

Gue’vesa are often the descendants of Imperial Guard troops who, during the Damocles Crusade, were abandoned in Tau space and chose to join the Tau rather than face execution. For them, fate has dictated that the Imperial Cult and the rule of the Adeptus Terra be replaced by loyalty to the collectivist Tau Empire and to the ruling Ethereal caste.

From our friends at Gabe of Thorns studios

big shas and Gue'vesa

big shas and Gue'vesa big shas and Gue'vesa

Those are some pretty high speed Gue’la Tau auxiliary, by Gabe! I’d love to see a human piloted Crisis suit along these same lines.

If you want to get your hands on your very own “Big Shas” model, checkout the link below:

Big Shas, the Shas’O

Problem Astartes?