Belisarius Cawlsplay: Amazing Mechanicum Costume

By Wesley Floyd | June 19th, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Mechanicus, Cosplay, Warhammer 40k News

Check out the closest thing we’ve ever seen to Belisarius Cawl stepping out of the lore and into the real world with this incredible cosplay.

Belisarius Cawl is the head mastermind behind all of Mars’ projects. In the lore, he’s working alongside Robbie G to spam Primaris and seed them into the Astartes Chapters. That being said, check out this hyper-realistic cosplay of Belisarius Cawl from Cosplayer Yuliya Gruzdeva!

Belisarius Cawlsplay: A Grimdark Mechanicum Favorite

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Every little detail about Cawl was nailed. From weapon placement right down to the Servitor crab on a leash, it looks like Cawl stepped off of Mars and onto a primitive Earth. Love dem knobby wheels.

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Yuliya Standing Next To Her Cawl Suit

Her suit is actually free standing too. That means that at the end of the day when she’s not wearing it, it can be a real deterrent for Traitors as they spot him standing guard in her home! This costume looks fantastic but it gets even more jaw-dropping when you learn that everything was completely hand-made.

Taking a step back from the finished project, check out these progress pics of everything as it was coming together.

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Starting from an early face sculpt, she could make any adjustments here before continuing to the painting.

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Once the skin was painted up to her liking, she added all the life-supporting tubes and respirators that every old Mechanical character has.

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And last but not least, she threw in an eye light and attacked a plate of armor over Cawl’s sensitive mouth-tech.

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Cawl’s Backplate in Progress

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Cawl on the Costume’s Framework Being Pieced Together

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Her costume definitely didn’t come together overnight. Hours and hours of love went into Belisarius Cawl in a way that we can only say, this is a new level of flexing those hobby muscles. If you’re wanting to see more incredible cosplay outside of 40k, check out her Instagram page. She’s even cosplayed as Artanis from Starcraft just to name another popular character!

What do you think about this Belisarius Cawl cosplay? Have you cosplayed as your favorite 40k character before? How long have you been cosplaying? Tell us about everything in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.