Creature Caster Queen of Onslaught SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | July 8th, 2020 | Categories: Creature Caster, Warhammer 40k Rumors

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster has stayed busy bringing us new models to collect and paint, and they just put out a first look at the new Queen of Onslaught!

Even during a worldwide crisis, Creature Caster seemingly hasn’t slowed down a bit. To keep all the hobbyists at home busy, they’ve been showcasing all kinds of new models that are on the way. Looking at the Onslaught line of Demon models, here is everything we know about the Queen of Onslaught.

Now moving on, here’s what was first spotted on Creature Caster’s Community Facebook Page earlier in the year.

Early Artwork of Queen of Onslaught

creature caster queen of onslaught artworkCreature Caster revealed some more artwork earlier on for the Queen o Onslaught. She looks like a Daemon lady with a nine-tails of severed hands. With the sweet running pose and the dirt being kicked up around her, this could definitely be another dynamic centerpiece. With that said, that’s all we had to go off of.

The Queen Moved to Graphic Renders

creature caster queen of onslaught 1After the initial artwork came graphic renders. The artwork rendering is a near-perfect match to the computerized form. There are chains on both sides, all of the smaller intricate details on the armor plating is covered, and so on.

creature caster queen of onslaught 2From what we can tell in the artwork, she’s holding some kind of sword. However, we can see here she’s got a bearded axe.

creature caster queen of onslaught 3Details weren’t spared on the basing either. It looks like she landed on the ground so hard she kicked up a bunch of dirt and dust that those skulls were resting on. If you like what you see, the expected release date on this lady is sometime near the end of summer.

Creature Caster Queen of Onslaught SPOTTED!

creature caster queen of onslaught render 1Fast forward to right now, the Queen of Onslaught has been spotted in her physical form. Creature Caster just sent us these new model images, and wow this miniatures is wild!

The majority of the detail was kept but it looks like she traded her chains in for another ax- or perhaps she has two weapon options!

creature caster queen of onslaught render 2On top of the weapon change, she’s also got some chest armor from what we can see. We’re not sure if there will be any variants of the model (like maybe the chain weapon) but this model certainly captures all the elements from the Onslaught line. The last word we heard on the Queen was that she would be releasing in late Summer. From what we know, there’s not been any change on that so keep your eyes peeled for her!

What do you think about the Queen of Onslaught’s model? Do you like the double axe change? How many Creature Caster models have you painted up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!