GW Reveals New Models & Book 9 For Horus Heresy

horus heresy sons of horusGW’s canceling the Horus Heresy Weekender in 2020 but showed off new models and a supplement for the range that are still on the way!

Warhammer Community gave us a look into the future of Horus Heresy in the coming year. As you know, Book Eight: Malevolence kicked off a ton of Blood Angels support along with new models. In 2020, there looks to be even more for the faction as well as a new book!

There Won’t Be A Horus Heresy Weekender in 2020

Normally, every year Forge World hosts a huge 30k event showcasing new models, rules, and other great stuff that’s ahead. But in 2020, there won’t be a Weekender. Don’t worry though, it’s not because your favorite game isn’t doing well…it’s because they are going to be so busy kicking off new minis, rules, and campaigns.

2020 is set to be an even better year for The Horus Heresy, and the game’s designers are already working hard to produce a year’s worth of incredible content! In fact, they’re so busy that they won’t be running a Horus Heresy Weekender in 2020 – they’re devoting the time that goes into organising and running such an event into creating more epic books and models instead.

More Blood Angels Units Ahead- Angel’s Tears Previewed

horus heresy angels tears 1

The Angel’s Tears are the Blood Angels’ equivalent of Destroyer squads from other Space Marines Legions. Equipped with jump packs and armed with weapons designed to annihilate their enemies, they are true Angels of Death. Whether they are armed with volkite serpenta or Angel’s Tears grenade launchers, their arrival heralds total destruction.

horus heresy angels tears 2

They previewed models for the new unit coming to the Blood Angels called The Angel’s Tears. If you remember, we’ve actually first seen their rules sheet in the Malevolence book with all the other Blood Angel hotness.


Campaign Book Nine Announced- Crusade

horus heresy night lirds dark angels

Another campaign book is also coming next year pitting Dark Angels and Night Lords against one another in the Thramas sector. It’ll be titled “Crusade” and we can also expect new models (probably Legion-specific) to hit the arsenal as well.

That’s not all! Along with the book, 2020 will see some amazing new models released that tie in with the Thramas conflict – all of which we’ll take a look at in due time. Meanwhile, the Siege of Terra series from Black Library will continue apace as Horus and the traitors press on with their attack on the Imperial Palace. 

Adeptus Titanicus Getting Continued Support

While it was left unclear of what we have in store EXACTLY for Titanicus in 2020, they also made a short announcement that more models were on the way along with continued campaigns to keep stirring up conflict.

With all of this exciting news ahead, what will you be looking to play in 2020? Have you started your Blood Angels in the Horus Heresy yet? Or will you be holding out to see what another Legion like the Night Lords get?

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