Did Eldar Jump the Shark?

By Rob Baer | April 17th, 2015 | Categories: Editorials


It’s the loaded question of the year for most 40k players, did Eldar just jump the Shark?

I know since yesterday’s big ‘D’ reveal that they were getting a slew of Destroyer weapons, literally everyone I’ve talked to that plays 40k has something negative to say about it.

I’ll admit it, I have my concerns too, but I’m more worried about how fresh the new designs look for the jetbikes and whether to paint my Wraithkight in Iyanden or Ulthwe colors to be honest.

iyaden big

I feel like it’s just too easy to be negative about Games Workshop and everything they do or don’t do right as of late, but you know what’s not negative – MAKING PEW PEW LASER NOISES WITH MY TOY SOLDIERS. Wheeeeeeeeee.

And it looks like I’m not the only one waiting to pass judgement on the new book.

Long-time Eldar player Alan from the 11th Company makes some good points in his Eldar Rumor Summation below.

#1. Removing laser lock will help nerf wave serpents (we will see what else is in store for them).
#2. Everyone is glad that they can no longer summon (I think they are taking it away).
#3. As a fan of jetbikes I am glad that they are getting some love…or at least more heavy weapons.
#4. One or two shots with ranged D (or 12″ range) is no big deal. The problem with ranged D is when you have multiple large blasts.
#5. I hate when people make assumptions about units without seeing the codex based on the old codex. Comments like “You have to take Vypers and they suck” or “Eldar are too powerful and now they have ranged D weapons” are pointless since they have no idea what is in the new codex.

Good points Alan! I know I’m going to give things more time to get sorted, before I rush to judgement on the new book for sure.

Me and the Fonz will stay back here, and get the bike warmed up…