We’re here again today to weigh in about Space Marines begin one of the coolest looking yet worst armies to play in 8th edition. So how do we make them better?
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The latest tabletop gaming editorial discussions, insightful analyses, industry trends, and expert opinions on all things related to miniature wargaming.
Age of Sigmar 2.0 is finally out and all the rules have been updated. Come find out if we think it’s really worth your hobby time and dollars.
Read MoreJstove is back, and today he’s writing a wishlist. But not for Games Workshop because we know they’ve already got their own agenda.
Read MoreEnslavers in 8th edition don’t exist yet. But what if they did? We are going to talk about what their rules might look like if they returned to 40k!
Read MoreIs it finally time to try Age of Sigmar? I’ve shied away from Age of Sigmar long enough. Here’s what finally makes me want to play.
Read MoreWith the topic of video game addiction getting a lot of press time lately, can Tabletop Gaming be addictive as well? Dr. Greg shares his thoughts on both!
Read MoreOne year later, is it time to finally update terminators to represent their elite status and weapons in 8th? Or are will the be surpassed by Primaris?
Read MoreMelee Dreadnoughts can’t have nice things. Why does GW hate the Melee Dreadnought for Space Marines?
Read MoreIs Warhammer 40k set to get the AoS 2.0 “second edition” treatment? The codexes will all be released nearly two years from the start of 8th Edition. Then what?
Read MoreThe Tau have been somewhat of oddball when it comes to the dark universe that is Warhammer 40k. Are the Tau Auxiliaries an untouched Goldmine for GW?
Read MoreIt is always Kabals to the wall, as the Dark Eldar have proven themselves to be masters of disruption and hit-and-run tactics. Is the Agents of Vect stratagem TOO good for the Aeldari overall?
Read MoreCan you guess the 4 obvious ways you should prep for tournaments? Master these key points leading up to game day, and victory may be assured.
Read MoreWarhammer 40k 8th edition has been a roller coaster of emotion and power creep. But does this make each book released better than the next, and if it does when will the DAY1 books get an update?
Read MoreConcerns over cheating in the world of 40k have sparked controversy as of late. Here are 4 things you need to know about cheating from a different perspective.
Read MoreDo not miss the 4 things that were supposed to ruin the hobby but didn’t. Let’s look at some things that made us worry about the sky falling and see how they turned out.
Read MoreToday we take a look at the Top 5 Chaos Marines kits GW should update. Come see if you agree with this list or if you think there are other more deserving ones.
Read MoreDon’t miss this list of the “secret” top 3 40k units you should always be looking to purchase when it comes to buying, trading, or just cruising eBay.
Read MoreJstove here with a simple question- “Are we hating flyers enough?” I don’t see a lot of them on the 40k tables and I think I know why.
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