Unbeatable Top 3 Lists in 40k from WarGamesCon 2018

eldar cover new wal hor

WarGamesCon X is over! Check out the latest unbeatable list from the event piloted by the last LVO and ITC champion Nick Nanavati.

WarGamesCon is a 40k tournament that’s been held for the last ten years in Austin, Texas. With over 70 players there competing for the top place, one list was unbeatable.

Unbeatable Top 3 Lists in 40k from WarGamesCon 2018

Army lists courtesy of Best Coast Pairings

best coast pairings

Running Riot! Nick Nanavati’s First Place Eldar

nanavati list Unbeatable Top 3 Lists in 40k from WarGamesCon 2018

This list is a culmination of the Eldar’s finest warriors. With Eldrad able to cover the psychic needs of the list and Yvraine (Cat Lady) Squeezing every last bit of value out of her soldiers with Ynneads Will and Soulburst.

Finally, you’ve got three Eldar pirate ships with Disentegrators using hit-and-run tactics and seizing objectives. Looking at this list, it screams valuetown, speed, and firepower from the readpers. Plus Nick can zone out and have a lot of flexibility with the rangers as well.

Eldar psychic powers have always been insane. When you mix that with the codex support from Dark Eldar and Ynnari Soulbursting, you’ve got a deadly combo that ended up taking over the event.

Clifton Russel’s Second Place Tyranids

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor

tyranid list 1

tyranid list 2

Notice a trend with the list? The list hardly has any huge bugs…but A LOT of little Termagaunts. This list is the equivalent to kicking a fire ant hill and watching the soldier ants rush out to kill you. With nearly 150 Termagants on the board, there’s not a lot out there that can withstand that much firepower.

Considering that Termagants are Fearless as long as there’s a smart bug nearby and there’s a stratagem that lets them shoot twice, they could have been able to out-shoot just about anything they came across.

tyranid swarm

To add onto that firepower, he brought three Maguses. two with Mind Control (that lets you take over an enemy unit and fire ALL of its weapons at something) and one with Mass Hypnosis which basically got rid of any overwatch.

Malanthropes helped protect the Termagants by giving them -1 to hit for standing close by. Lastly, the Malanthropes special rule Prey Adaptation Let just about anything in his list reroll 1s to hit against enemies.

bringing it all together, this list of bugs was able to smite spam, control enemy units, shoot twice, ignore morale, and swarm the board.

Michael Dehoyo’s Third Place Ulthwe/Ynnari
ynarri yvraine

eldar list 1 wargamescon

This list is pretty similar to the first place Eldar list. The main staples are all here. Eldrad, Ynnari, Shining Spears, and Dark Reapers are all powerhouses in their own right. Yvraine maximized the value of each unit by letting them Soulburst on death.

You’ve also got Yvraine and Eldrad comboing psychic powers to create a nasty phase that most armies don’t have enough Psychic denies to help deal with.

All in all, it’s actually been surprising that no Imperium/Guard/Knight lists made it in the top three. We’ll have to see what happens to the meta when the Space Wolves codex comes out.

What do you think of the top lists from the event? Do you run something similar? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks space wolves

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