Warhammer Quest 2: End Times Comes to Steam Soon!

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Perhcang Games have been working on another edition of Warhammer Quest. A classic online Dungeon Crawler set in the Warhammer universe. Check it out.

Perchang Games are dropping Warhammer Quest 2: End Times in January for $19.99. A Dungeon crawler set in Warhammer Fantasy’s End Times is making its way to Steam. Take a look at the latest details on the game.

Warhammer Quest 2: End Times

This game is a turn-based dungeon crawler where the player will choose a hero and delve into the unexplored reaches of the realm. Heroes will walk through three campaigns to uncover secrets on staving off the inevitable End Times.


Skaven are just one of the races you’ll have to muscle through in the dark corners of the game. As for the heroes, they each bring something unique to the table. For example, the Dark Elf is looking to be some kind of caster.

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Remember, that because this is a turn-based game, you’ll be forced to think ahead and prepare for what the enemy might do.

Keeping up with the lore, this is before the Age of Sigmar so Free People in armor are the closest thing you’ll get to Stormcast Eternals!

As we’ve said before, look for this game to drop on Steam sometime in January for $19.99. If you buy it on the first week of the launch, you’ll get it 10% off! 

Are you excited to see a game set back in the Fantasy timeline? Do you enjoy these turn-based dungeon crawlers? Which faction are you hoping to play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.