These Are FFG’s Big Star Wars Reveals From Gen Con!

x-wing 2.0 expansion

Star Wars on the tabletop has never looked so awesome! Don’t miss FFG’s newest Gen Con reveals for X-Wing, Legion, and even ARMADA!

The hobby maniacs at FFG just unveiled tons of new releases for everything Star Wars on the tabletop: Come see what’s on deck next for your Star Wars collection.

X-Wing 2.0 Latest Wave

8 new ship expansions are here for X-Wing 2.0 as FFG revealed Wave Six at Gen Con! Check out the newest releases for the space curves!

The creative team at Fantasy Flight Games has big news for the X-Wing community. Come and take a look at the newest release wave. that incorporates some older ships over to 2.0, and introduces some new ones as well.

Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce a new wave of eight expansions for X-Wing:

  • Major Vonreg’s TIE Expansion Pack
  • Fireball Expansion Pack
  • Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack
  • TIE Reaper Expansion Pack
  • Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack
  • TIE/in Interceptor Expansion Pack
  • TIE/D Defender Expansion Pack
  • RZ-1 A-Wing Expansion Pack


Fireball Expansion Pack: $19.95

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A labor of love to the crew of Jarek Yeager’s garage, the Fireball is a highly combustible, scratch-built racing ship. Flown by undercover Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono, this explosion with wings is able to push the limit around the course before living up to its name. Lightly armed but lightning fast, the Fireball can careen around the battlefield, gaining superior position on almost any enemy.


The Fireball Expansion Pack contains everything you need to add one of these swift ships to your Resistance squadrons, including one Fireball miniature, four ship cards, and seven upgrade cards. Additionally, two Quick Build cards help you easily combine pilots and upgrades and get your Fireball to the start line as quickly as possible.

Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack: $49.95

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The reptilian bounty hunter Bossk is as tenacious as he is notorious, pursuing his targets doggedly in his customized YV-666 light freighter, the Hound’s Tooth, or launching his Z-95-AF4 Headhunter to engage other starfighters up-close and personal. Beside Bossk, the YV-666’s spacious triple-decker design makes it popular with bounty hunters of all stripes, who often retrofit an entire deck for prisoner transport.


The Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack contains everything you need to start your own bounty hunting career, including a YV-666 light freighter miniature and a Z-95-AF4 Headhunter miniature painted in the striking Nashtah Pup scheme. Joining these miniatures are six ship cards—four for the YV-666 and two for the Z-95-AF4 Headhunter—and fourteen upgrade cards. Finally, three Quick Build Cards give you even more options for deploying your YV-666. The Bossk Z-95-AF4 ship card contained in this expansion is also be available in the Hotshots and Aces Reinforcement Pack for the benefit of veteran players.

Major Vonreg’s TIE Expansion Pack: $19.95

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As the personal ship of the First Order elite ace Major Baron Elrik Vonreg, the Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/ba Baron Space Superiority Interceptor strikes fear in the hearts of even the most grizzled Resistance pilots. Major Vonreg personally guided the enhancement of proven designs to create this precise and lethal craft.


Within this expansion, you’ll find six pilots ready to fight for the First Order, as well as six upgrade cards to fine-tune your TIE/ba interceptor’s capabilities. Accompanying these are two Quick Build cards with pre-built combinations of pilots and upgrades to help you get flying right away. 

RZ-1 A-Wing Expansion Pack: $19.95

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The favored craft of Rebel aces who value precision handling, the RZ-1 A-wing can fit through narrow gaps between obstacles or fly circles around enemy craft. What these nimble interceptors lack in durability, they more than make up for in speed and maneuverability.



The RZ-1 A-Wing Expansion Pack includes everything you need to add one of these speedy ships to your Rebel Alliance squadrons. An RZ-1 A-wing miniature painted in the colors of Phoenix Squadron is accompanied by four ship cards representing the Rebel pilots willing to take on the challenge of flying this craft. You can improve these pilots’ capabilities in battle with five upgrade cards of your choosing, or you can take the recommendations of two Quick Build cards for even more ways to use your RZ-1 A-wing.

Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack: $39.95

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Saw Gerrera’s partisans are deadly freedom fighters who have opposed tyranny since the Clone Wars. Now, they resist the Empire using every strategy and dirty trick available, zealously flying their customized T-65 X-wing and U-wing starfighters into battles others deem hopeless or lost.


The Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack includes features a T-65 X-wing miniature and a UT-60D miniature strikingly painted in the colors of Saw and his partisans. In addition to these miniatures, you’ll also find 10 ship cards and 12 upgrade cards identical to the Second Edition cards originally found in the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack released as part of X-Wing‘s First Edition. Finally, four brand new Quick Build cards give you convenient predefined combinations of ships and upgrades to get your fighters in the fight right away. 

TIE Reaper Expansion Pack: $29.95

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Designed to deliver specialized soldiers such as Director Krennic’s death troopers into the raging heart of battle, the TIE reaper is the Empire’s premier high-performance transport. Equipped with advanced ailerons for precise atmospheric maneuvering, thick armor plating, powerful laser cannons, and the capacity to carry elite infantry, this menacing vessel struck fear into Rebel forces across the galaxy.


Within the TIE Reaper Expansion Pack, you’ll find a beautifully detailed and pre-painted TIE reaper miniature alongside four ship cards, ten upgrade cards, and the Optimized Prototype condition card. These cards are identical to the Second Edition content originally released as part of Wave XIV for the First Edition of X-Wing. Finally, this expansion also includes two new Quick Build Cards providing exciting predefined combinations for you to begin experimenting with your TIE reaper.

TIE/D Defender Expansion Pack: $19.95

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A fighter so powerful and advanced that Phoenix Squadron feared its mass production could make the Imperial Navy unbeatable, the TIE/D defender features powerful shields, speed and maneuverability, and a suite of potent weapons including missiles and cannons. In the right ace’s hands, the TIE/D defender can bring down nearly any target.


Within the TIE/D Defender Expansion Pack, you’ll find everything you need to bulk up your Imperial squadrons, including a TIE/D defender miniature, five ship cards, and four upgrade cards inviting you to outfit your ship with new systems, missiles, and cannons. Meanwhile, two Quick Build cards provide exciting combinations of pilots and upgrades, inviting you to see everything the ship can do.

TIE/in Interceptor Expansion Pack: $19.95

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With incredible engine output, a lightweight frame, and precise thrusters for close maneuvering, the TIE/in interceptor is a vessel for the most elite Imperial aces. Only those with nerves of steel can ride the knife’s edge to draw out this craft’s full potential. This includes the ship’s four wing-mounted laser cannons, a dramatic increase in firepower over its predecessors.


The TIE/in Interceptor Expansion Pack gives you the chance to put the legendary Soontir Fel and three other pilots at the controls of this swift and deadly craft. Joining them are five upgrade cards that give these elite pilots even more advantages in the thick of a space battle. Finally, two Quick Build cards provide useful combinations of pilots and upgrades, allowing you to test all of the TIE/in interceptor’s capabilities.

New Star Wars Armada Ships

Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack: $74.95

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The Starhawk-class Battleship was the first capital ship commissioned by the nascent New Republic Defense Fleet after the Battle of Endor. Assembled at the Nadiri Dockyards from the salvage of captured Star Destroyers, Concord served as the flagship for Commodore Kyrsta Agate during the capture of the infamous Kuat Drive Yards, while Amity and Unity joined her in time for the climactic Battle of Jakku. There, all three Starhawks bore the brunt of the battle to destroy the remnants of the Galactic Empire.


The Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack for Star WarsTM: Armada provides your rebels with everything they need to add 1 Starhawk-class Battleship to your game, including 1 painted ship, 1speed dial, 4 command dials, 2 ship cards, 15 upgrade cards, and a collection of assorted tokens.

Onager-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack: $59.95

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The Onager-class Star Destroyer is a specialized platform for some of the Empire’s most dangerous weaponry. The arrival of its ominous silhouette in orbit heralds a bombardment by massive particle cannons, or, more rarely, a devastating pulse from superheavy composite beam turbolasers. Its deployment in more sensitive Imperial operations can be neither confirmed nor denied.Screenshot_799

The Onager-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack for Star WarsTM: Armada provides your imperial officers with everything you need to add 1 Onager-class Star Destroyer to your game, including 1 painted ship, 1 speed dial, 3 command dials, 2 ship cards, 15 upgrade cards, and a collection of assorted tokens.

New Clone Wars Pre-Orders For Star Wars Legion

Star Wars Legion has never looked so awesome! Don’t miss the newest pre-orders as FFG gets set for the battles of the Clone Wars.

AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion: $59.95

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The AAT Trade Federation battle tank is a hard-hitting vehicle favored by Separatist commanders like Lok Durd. While its droid operators require precise commands to be used to full effect, is primary MX-8 artillery laser cannons can blast out barrages that target multiple enemies or hammer the same foe with twice the firepower, and its anti-personnel armament can whittle down even squads as heavily armored as Clone Troopers.

With the AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion, you can add one of these heavy tanks to your Separatist army. The unpainted, finely-detailed miniature you find here can be constructed with its hatch closed or with a B1 Battle Droid scanning the horizon for new targets. In addition to this miniature, you’ll find everything you need to fully customize it to your personal strategy, including eight upgrade cards and a unit card. 

B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion: $24.95

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B2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, the sight of a squad of these droids on the battlefield can chill even the most seasoned of clone troopers.


The B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion provides your army with six B2 Super Battle Droid miniatures to add to your Star Wars: Legion collection. Four of these miniatures feature the standard wrist cannons seen on most B2 battle droids and three of them can be posed in a variety of positions. Meanwhile, separate B2-HA and B2-ACM miniatures menace opposing armies with heavy weapons.

  • Deploy a unit of hulking B2 Super Battle Droids to your Star Wars: Legion battles with six new miniatures!
  • Four unpainted, finely detailed B2 Super Battle Droids blast their opponents with their arm cannons.
  • Add a B2-ACM Trooper or a B2-HA Trooper for even more ways to attack!

Clone Captain Rex Commander Expansion: $12.95

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Clone Captain Rex viewed military service as an honor, and his loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute. Rex honed the use of twin blaster pistols into an art form, leading his fellow clones to victory on countless battlefields across the galaxy.


The Clone Captain Rex Commander Expansion contains everything you need to add this new commander to your Galactic Republic army, including an unpainted Clone Captain Rex miniature that can be assembled without his helmet, or with either a Phase I or Phase II Clone Trooper helmet. This miniature comes with Rex’s three signature command cards that give him the power to issue orders to his fellow clone troopers, as well as five upgrade cards inviting you to unlock Rex’s full potential. 

Count Dooku Commander Expansion: $12.95

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While much of the galaxy knows him as the Separatist Alliance’s Head of State, Count Dooku serves a more sinister purpose in the Clone Wars. Actually a powerful Sith lord, Dooku works behind the scenes to bring down the Jedi and destroy the Republic once and for all. As the rare Separatist unit powerful in the Force, he takes to the battles of the Clone Wars ready to show off his skills to any bold enough to challenge him.


Within the Count Dooku Commander Expansion, you’ll find one unpainted and finely detailed Count Dooku miniature challenging all comers with his lightsaber. Additionally, four upgrade cards let you explore the depths of Dooku’s Force powers, while three command cards invite you to make him a central piece of your army’s strategy. 

Phase II Clone Troopers Unit Expansion: $24.95

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Phase II clone trooper armor reflected one of the Republic’s greatest technological successes and included advanced tactical gear that further augmented the clone troopers’ individual strengths. Additionally, the clones wearing this armor were themselves better trained and more experienced than those first deployed at the start of the war. 


Within the Phase II Clone Troopers Unit Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to deploy an elite corps unit of Phase II Clone Troopers, including seven Phase II Clone Trooper miniatures featuring a variety of customization options. First, the unit’s leader can be assembled with or without his helmet. Similarly, a Z-6 Phase II Trooper can be built with or without his helmet or, if you choose, he can carry his signature Z-6 Rotary Blaster or the standard DC-15A Blaster Rifle. Finally, a Phase II Mortar Trooper can lug his mortar into battle stowed on his back or appear with the mortar fully deployed.

  • Dispatch an elite corp unit of Phase II Clone Troopers to the battles of the Clone Wars with seven new miniatures to add to your Star Wars: Legion collection!
  • Four unpainted, uniquely-sculpted Phase II Clone Trooper miniatures and a Phase II Clone Trooper unit leader miniature appear with their standard issue DC-15A blaster rifles.
  • A Z-6 Phase II Trooper and a Phase II Mortar Trooper add extra firepower and customization options to your unit. 

TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank Unit Expansion: $59.95

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A light repulsor tank designed with the tactical flexibility of a starfighter, the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank is agile and swift, making it an ideal match for the heightened acuity of Jedi generals like Aayla Secura or Plo Koon. For a battle tank, the Saber-class can be elegant as it nimbly weaves across the battlefield, slashing entire formations with a beam cannon or ripping apart enemy armor with twin laser cannons. 


Within the TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank Unit Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to incorporate one of these powerful repulsor tanks into your Galactic Republic armies, beginning with an unpainted and beautifully detailed TX-130 Saber-class Tank miniature that can be assembled with its missile pod doors open or closed. In addition to choosing how the tank’s missile pods are assembled, you can also customize the look of the turret, choosing between a twin laser turret or a beam cannon turret. On top of how it looks, you can also customize how your Saber-class tank functions in battle with ten upgrade cards that invite you to swap out its pilots, weapons, ordnance, and comms systems.

These new expansions are going to set the galactic battle ablaze! Make sure you visit Fantasy Flight Games to find out more about these new releases today!