40k Flashback – Warlord Titan Showcase

By Rob Baer | May 15th, 2015 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Forge World, Titan


Do you remember when you saw it first? Come see new and old images of one of the most iconic vehicles in 40k; the Warlord Titan.

I imagine that being on the leading edge of an assault spearheaded by one or more of these war machines would start off something like a cross between the Assault on Hoth, and the T-Rex escaping from Jurassic Park.

Today we’re going to piece together the new Warlord titan up to this point, and take a look back some of the inspiration that got us here.


Dictatio, Abnett’s Titan Series from Warhammer Monthly / INFERNO!


Adeptus Titanicus (Titan Board Game) Art, featuring the ‘bettle back’ design. The current ‘boxy’ or Mars pattern design did not appear until Epic 40,000 debuted.


Part of the Siege of Terra diorama from the 1990’s


Cover to Epic: Armageddon, one of the last things Specialist games produced..


An Amazing Scratch-build from Games Day 2000. Note the Assault Cannons turrets on the shoulders for scale.

According to lore the Warlord is about 50% taller than a Reaver titan, and clocks in at about 188 feet tall (60m). So how will it stack up to the current Reaver titan model?

The only comparison we have currently is the fresh image from Horus Heresy: Tempest (below).

warlord all

From the perspective 50% bigger than the Reaver seems about right?


Extrapolating out the height of the Space Marine pictured above (in the model shot), and applying some computer magic it seems like this kit could be as tall as 3-1/2 feet tall to the shoulders, which puts it on par with the Eldar Phantom.

Personally my gut is telling me it will be bigger.

warlord head

Warlord Titan Roundup

The Warlord will walk soon, will you remember where you were when you see it for the first time?