King of Unclean: Nurgle Scabeiathrax Showcase

guo scabei athrax

Greater Unclean Ones take great pride in their flocks of Nurglings and achievements of their mortal Champions. Take a look at this Scabeiathrax showcase!

White Metal Games has painted an amazing Great Unclean One from Forge World. Take a look at our written showcase then be sure to check out the entire video below!

Scabeiathrax the Bloated

guo and plaguebearer

Scabeiathrax the Bloated is the Lord of the Blighted Pit and is an absolutely terrifying resin model and is the perfect addition to any Nurgle Daemon army. White Metal Games did an absolutely fantastic job with matching Scabeiathrax with the other members of the army.

The attention to detail in the painting of this model is fantastic, including the pustules, bone, and exposed muscles. Even the tongue has fantastic details, wrapped around the sword and painted to see where blood would pool up and appear bruised.

scabeiathrax rules

The Lord of the Blighted Pit’s rules are in the Imperial Armour Index: Forces of Chaos book, though the points have been updated in the last Chapter Approved, increasing him from 610 points to 777 points. He can be used as a Great Unclean One rather than the named character.

guo muscles

Take a look at a closer shot of his back, showing all the detail and layers in the skin tones as well as all the detail in the ripped muscles that expose the spine. All the pustules and cysts have great highlights and contrast to show depth and make them feel like they are pulsating. Overall, this is gloriously disgusting and will look fantastic on the table.

This is a fantastic paint job and amazing model. To commission a model from White Metal Games and to see some other amazing models, be sure to check out their website. Check out the entire showcase by pressing play on the video below!