NEW FORGE WORLD & Book 5 Tempest Teaser?

By Rob Baer | April 14th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Forge World just released the new hotness for 30k, and the grim dark may have just gotten a little brighter!

Looks like some new decal sheets are on the way for the two factions that will figure prominently in the next Horus Heresy rules set.  I wonder why they are dropping them now.. (hint hint)! Hopefully we see Book 5 here soon before things get too hot for both us and everyone seeking shelter under the planet Calth!

via Forgeworld 4-13-2015

This week I was treated to a sneak peek of something else just before it was sent to the printers – a pair of jaw-droppingly detailed new transfer sheets. Take a look…
Join the Dark Side!
Noble Astartes are Noble!
Top notch work there for sure. I can’t wait to see if they re-do all the other decal sets that seem to be out of stock currently as well.
Respect where it’s due, the boys in blue are about to show us all what they got!

Heresy Weekender Roundup

-With they bolter they shall cleanse!