New Mechanicum “Codex” Army List – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | August 30th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors




Praise the Omnissiah!  Come see the deciphered complete army list for the Mechanicum “Codex”.

via dakkadakka’s SirDonlad:

“In the preview pictures i can make out the entries on the back – thought i would list them here.


tahgmata-army list

HQ: magos prime, magos dominus, archmagos draycavac, archmagos inmar satarael, magos reductor calleb decima (!!!!)

Elites: tech-priest auxillia, domitar class battle automata, myrmidon secutors

Troops: adsecularis covenant, thallax cohort, scyllax guardian automata covenant, castellax class battle automata maniple

Fast Attack: Ursarax cohort, tarantula sentry gun battery, vorax class battle automata maniple, crusade fleet avenger strike fighter, crusade fleet primaris lightning strike fighter, crusade fleet arvus lighter orbital shuttle (!!!)
Dedicated transport: triaros armoured conveyor

Heavy Support: thanatar class siege automata, thanatar-calix class siege automata, thanatar-cynis class siege automata, ? ? (mechanical engineer? makrotek engineseer? mechanicum landraider?) , krios battle tank squadron, myrmidon destructors

Fortifications: imperial castellum stronghold

LOW: ordinatus (!!!!!), imperial knights paladin, errant, magaera, styrix, lancer, castigator and acheron

Legio Cybernetica Appendix: legio cybernetica battle cohort, archmagos ?

Ordo Reductor Army List Appendix (!!): the war covenant of the ordo reductor, the ? of ? army force organisation chart, magos ? , ordo reductor artillery tank battery, ordo reductor minotaur battery (!)

The Titan Legions: warhound, reaver, warlord”


The Horus Heresy Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List brings together the Mechanicum units and rules from The Horus Heresy Books One to Five in a 120 page, hard back book. It includes background and profiles for all of the units available to the Mechnicum Taghmata, Legio Cybernetica and Ordo Reductor armies as well as support aircraft, seven classes of Knight, the Warhound, Reaver and immense Warlord Titans and introduces powerful new units such as the Ordinatus Macro Engines.

Additionally, this book includes updated Age of Darkness expansion rules for playing games of Warhammer 40,000 during the Horus Heresy, and all of the weapons profiles and special rules you’ll need for your Mechnicum army.

The Horus Heresy Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List is an expansion to Warhammer 40,000. You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook in order to use this bookTheHorusHeresyMechanicum-spread-01

Titans, and Ordinatus’s OH MY!