New Space Wolves & LoTR Pre-orders Arrive!

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Forge World is back again showing off the next line of preorders from their site. Check out what’s on the way for the Horus Heresy and Lord of the Rings!

Forge World has been busy at work bringing us new models. We saw a bunch of these first previewed at the Horus Heresy Weekender last week, but looks like not everything is for sale yet on their site.

Here in Las Vegas Sanguinius is for sale at the Forge World, no word on the pricing yet however.

Either way we’re finally seeing some of the models from the Heresy Weekender become available for preorder!

Hvarl Redblade, Jarl of the Fourth Great Company $70

forge world space wolves 30k character

Master of his Great Company for more than five decades at the time of the Razing of Prospero, he was a veteran warlord as renowned for his scourging tactics as he was for encouraging the taking of heads from the enemy fallen as a form of competition among his warriors.

Hvarl was a merciless leader that Leman Russ often looked towards and counted on his savagery to get the job done. He comes stock with an underslung heavy bolter and power axe! His rules are inside Book 7 -Inferno.

Space Wolves Legion Deathsworn Pack $62


The Deathsworn are a new unit coming to the Space Wolves Legion and are somewhat akin to the Death Company for Blood Angels in that these are a linebreaker unit that only wants to kill and die in glorious combat. Think of Dark-age Berserkers!

Hvarl Redblade & Deathsworn Pack Bundle $132

redblade and deathsworn

If you’re wanting to get everything coming to the new Legion, you can buy it in a bundle! (You’re actually not saving any money though). The price is still the same if you bought them completely separate. Regardless, it’s less clicking right!

Goroth & Zagdush, Orc Captains $31

goroth and zagdush

Goroth cares little for the lives of his minions, bodily throwing them in harm’s way should his own life be in danger. Zagdûsh is a recklessly aggressive fighter, happily forgoing self defence to lash out at his foes with even greater ferocity. They make great additions to an infantry-based force, where their brutality can help break open even the toughest enemy battle line.

Orcs need Captains too, albeit they’re just more brutal and in it for themselves. You can bring these two Captains into your Mordor list and lead by savagery all the way to victory!

We’ve only scratched the surface at seeing what Forge World has been working on. Keep your eyes peeled for future preorders as there’s still a lot that has to come available to us. As for now, what do you think about the Space Wolves support? Will you be using Hvarl in your list with massed Deathsworn? Or will you be buying Deathsworn for some 40k conversions?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.