Another Imperium Revolver? New GW Rumor Engine

gw rumor engineA new rumor engine is out and it looks like GW may be going back to the Imperium Admech revolver. Check out the latest bit to hit the web.

Warhammer Community dropped a new rumor engine bit and it looks like it’s for 40k. More specifically, the Adeptus Mechanicus may be getting more support in the future with the classic Ad Mech style of this weapon.

Another Imperium Revolver? New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-21-20

So here’s the latest rumor engine. As you can see, it’s got what looks to be a revolver cylinder as well as that classic Adeptus Mechanicus gun trim that we’ve seen all over their models.
rumor engine 10-22-19
One of the earlier rumor engines that turned out to be an Adeptus Mechanicus cavalry unit has the same kind of trim that’s on the new bit.

lever actionThese Skitarii Ranger models have both of the elements to the new bit as well.

Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 1



Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 2Even after we’ve seen all the Adeptus Mechanicus support come from Psychic Awakening’s Engine War, it looks like 9th Edition 40k may still have some goods in store for the techy boys.

What do you think this rumor engine is? Is it some kind of Mechanicus plasma carbine? 

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