Striking Back At Chaos in July’s White Dwarf! REVIEW

White Dwarf 2017 July

July’s White Dwarf is finally here! From a battle report of T’au vs. Orks to many hobby and painting features, let’s take a look inside!

In the aptly-named “Striking Back At Chaos”, the July 2017 issue of the White Dwarf is packed with information on the upcoming new releases for the Primaris and the Death Guard. An amazing battle report between the T’au and the Orks gives us a look at the new rules, and the painting scheme articles gives us more and more ideas to take our painting to the next level.

Be sure press play on our review video below for the July 2017 issue. For now, here is a sample of our review:

White Dwarf Contents

This month’s Paint Splatter dives in and shows you how to paint the new Primaris Librarian. The report covers how to assemble it in two separate assemblies to aid painting. They cover the detail work for his robes, power cables, head, and more.

Librarian paint guide

The Tale of Four Warlords returns as they are past the half way point in their challenge. This issue, the warlords have assembled and painted the Iron Warriors, Craftworld Eldar, Astra Militarum’s Cadian 1206th, and Priimaris Black Templars. Paint scheme guides are provided for the Iron Warriors and the Craftworld Eldar. They then do battle in a 2-v-2 battle report.Warlords iron Warriors

White Dwarf July 2017: $9

White Dwarf July 2017

July’s White Dwarf is here and with it we delve deeper into the new Warhammer 40,000. We take a look at the two new starter sets – First Strike and Know No Fear – while for those of you already neck deep in the grim darkness of the far future, we’ve got Tactica Imperialis, where we look at the myriad strategic and tactical possibilities for your armies in the new Warhammer 40,000 (with some top tips from the games designers themselves). On top of that, we’ve got an in-depth painting guide to the new Primaris Librarian in Paint Splatter, plus a look at getting your Ultramarines and Death Guard ready for battle in no time. Elsewhere, in Creating Legends we speak to six members of the Citadel Miniatures Design Team about designing Citadel miniatures – it really is a must-read interview! On top of all that, we’ve got James Karch’s vast Stormcast Eternals army, Dan Harden and his Orks take on Matt Holland’s Tau in this month’s Battle Report, A Tale of Four Warlords continues and the warlords play their first games of the new Warhammer 40,000, we’ve got more from Golden Demon: The Horus Heresy, we delve into Warhammer Skirmish, look at painting gaming tables in Realms of Battle, Blanchitsu, and much, much more besides. Pick up a copy now.

The July issue of the White Dwarf is available now. Be sure to press play on our review below for this month’s White Dwarf!

For more on the White Dwarf and all things Warhammer, visit Games Workshop!

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