Da Orks Finally Get Their Rules Teaser From GW!

orks vs marinesGet ready to declare a WAAAAGGHH for today’s faction focus teaser on the Orks that’s fresh off the press from Games Workshop!

Ork fans, get ready to praise Gork… or Mork.. or both!

Games Workshop has given us a little tease as to how Orks will play in the upcoming 8th edition. Here are a few highlights from the article on Warhammer Community!

One of the biggest changes for Orks is the way the new AP system impacts both their offence and defence. Units like Meganobz, who have a 2+ save (and now 3 Wounds!), will find themselves being able to soak hits from things that used to kill them in one shot and keep on killin’ thanks to the save they now get.


Orks harder to kill and being able to shrug off damage??? Now that is what the Boyz want to hear!

Boyz will get their save against most light weapons now, as a 6+ is not ignored by so many weapons as it once was. Also, as there are no more challenges in melee, a Nob will no longer be forced to focus all his attention on smashing just one foe. Excitingly, it won’t always be a no-brainer choice to take a power klaw, either.

mogrok lore

Ork Weapon stats

With these rules, large mobs of Boyz will be able to stay longer in the fight and deal nasty damage. Checkout the choppa, it’s very similar to the chiansword!

The Boyz have multiple layers of morale defence built into their army. The best way to mitigate it is by having a Warboss within 3″ of a unit of Orks; he can simply knock a few of them senseless (D3, to be exact). These are all in addition to the Mob Rule! which allows a unit of Orks to use a leadership value equal to their unit size or the leadership value of a nearby Ork unit.

meganob warboss orks wal

Keeping the Boyz in line will be easier…. a few heads knocked in!

A Painboy gives nearby Ork Infantry and Biker units a 6+ save against wounds suffered. A Big Mek with a Kustom Force Field gives nearby Ork units a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks. the Warboss’s WAAAGH! ability, which allows friendly Ork units within 6″ to charge even if they advanced. Combine this with the ‘Ere We Go special rule that allows Orks to re-roll failed charge rolls and holy smokes, you’ve got a fighting force to be feared!


Orks will be a rolling green tide of death with 8th Edition!

This is an exciting preview for Ork fans, 8th edition will definitely bring Orks different styles of play and make them a surging force!

What are your thoughts? Are you a Orks fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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