Flying High: New 8th Movement Phase Rules Pics!

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Yet more rules have been spotted from what may be the 8th edition 40k rulebook. Come checkout the movement phase for the new edition!

Shortly, after 8th Edition’s release date was leaked and the official announcement, more leaks are appearing in what is sure to be a week long series of events.

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First let’s take a look at what we know about each phase so far:

Movement Phase

  • Every model has its own Movement characteristic.
  • Some units will have a minimum move too.
  • Every flyer will have their own minimum and maximum move value.
  • Running has been rolled into the Movement phase now, too. You can “Advance” when you move by rolling a dice and adding the result to your Movement to go a bit faster at the expense of shooting.
  • If you’re in combat at the start of your turn, you can Fall Back by moving away from the enemy. You’ll lose the ability to advance, shoot or charge that turn, and crucially, enemies will be able to shoot at you!

Here are some highlights from the movement rule that were just spotted from G4l4d4n on Disqus.

8th Edition Move rules

  • If the datasheet for a model contains the Fly keyword, it can move across terrain and units as if they were not there. Models with the Fly keyword have a Move characteristic of consisting of two values: minimum and max speed: It must move its minimum and cannot go beyond its maximum. If it is unable to move its minimum or is forced off the battlefield because of its minimum speed, it is destroyed and removed from the battlefield – the model has either stalled and crashed or forced to abandon the field
  • If your units are within 1″ of an enemy unit, you can either remain stationary or Fall Back. It must end its turn more than 1″ away from all enemy units. It cannot Advance or Charge later in the turn but can shoot later if it can Fly.
  • When Advancing, you will roll a dice and add that the Move characteristic of all the models in that unit for that Movement Phase. A unit that advances cannot shoot or charge later that turn.
  • Reinforcements can be added at the end of the Movement Phase but can also appear in other phases. Units that enter in this manner cannot move or Advance further during the turn they arrive in. They can shoot, charge, etc. however.


What do you think about the rules that have been put out so far?  What are you most looking forward to about 8th edition?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Latest on 8th Edition from Games Workshop