GW Announces June White Dwarf Delayed 3 Weeks

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In a suprise announcement, GW has pushed back the publication of White Dwarf magazine three weeks in June. Look for it to release late indefinitely…

White Dwarf magazine subscribers got a notification email saying that future White Dwarfs would be releasing later in the month for both themselves and retailers alike

Future White Dwarf’s Get Pushed Back


Dear Subscriber,

We just want to let you know that the release date for White Dwarf is moving from the usual beginning of the month to the middle of the month, from June onward. That means future copies of White Dwarf will get to you a couple of weeks later in the month than before. This release date change applies to subscriptions as well as to retailers. Going forward, White Dwarf will release on the third Friday of the month.

As always, thank you for subscribing to White Dwarf, the Ultimate Warhammer Magazine!

People who are subscribed to White Dwarf might have woken up and found this sitting in their unread mail. While we normally get our White Dwarf magazines at the beginning of the month, it looks like from June and onward, we will be getting it pushed back to the third Friday of the month.

White Dwarfs have never really had any problems in the past of releasing on time and coming loaded with no hobby info to soak up. Could the White Dwarf be releasing later just because it fits in with GW’s schedule better? Or could it be because the Sylvaneth were delayed and they are featured prominently in June’s issue?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

Be sure to check back with us as more on this develops.