GW Teases New Necromunda Escher Unit Profiles

By Wesley Floyd | August 21st, 2020 | Categories: Games Workshop, Necromunda, Warhammer 40k Rumors

EscherEschers look like they may have some more models on the way eventually with new unit profiles and artwork teased on Necromunda’s Facebook page.

Necromunda’s official Facebook Page has been posting up some artwork as well as a basic data profile of some named Escher units that look to be coming eventually. We don’t know what’s in store exactly, but it would be tight to see some Forge World Escher releases past next week! Here’s what we’re talking about.

GW Teases New Necromunda Escher Unit Profiles

escher cynissCyniss is one of those new units teased but notice the new title “House Agent”? These House Agents look to be a useful option for gangs of low rep during campaigns. It also looks like GW may be taking a deeper dive into the chemical influences of the gang as well. Master Clan Chymist lets her load different kinds of ammo into her wrist-mounted needlers each turn. If you’ve played against Eschers, you know how brutal some of those chems can be.

escher necranaNecrana is another House Agent with an obvious melee-focused statline. With a 2+ WS and 3 Attacks, you’ll want to get her in close. Thankfully, she’s also T4 to help her shrug off small-arms fire while she’s running up on the opponent. Shes also got a crisp cool check of a 4+ which is nice.

escher betti bansheeFinally, we’ve got Betti Banshee who is going to be a new Bounty Hunter. Holy moly is she fast. She’s got a 7″ Movement and a 2+ Initiative! She doesn’t hit quite as good as Necrana but she’s also a natural S4 which means she should be wounding most everyone else on a 3+ at least. One of her weakest aspects is that 7+ Cool check. That can be a little brutal (in a bad way) against other gangs out there.

As we’ve said before, there’s not been any word on models just yet but these three girls are enough to get any Escher fan excited!

Which one is your favorite? Do you like the idea of a House Agent on top of having a Bounty Hunter selection?

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