GW’s On Fire – Profits Up Again & Paying Dividends in June!

By Rob Baer | April 5th, 2017 | Categories: Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Don’t call it a comeback, GW’s been here for years! Looks like Games Workshop’s sales are again on the rise, as they announce dividends for shareholders in June!

Are things looking more on the up from Games Workshop? Things look to be going much better this year for the toymaker from Nottingham, as they just released this trading update today.

Source Games Workshop:

Games Workshop Group PLC announces that the Board has today declared a dividend of 25 pence per share. This will be paid on 2 June 2017 for shareholders on the register at 28 April 2017, with an ex-dividend date of 27 April 2017. The last date for elections for the dividend re-investment plan is 11 May 2017.

gw nottingham hq

Previous GW Financial Updates:

Another sign this toy giant is on the mend, this is the second time in recent months they have paid out to shareholders:

Games Workshop Group PLC announces that the Board has today declared a dividend of 25 pence per share. This will be paid on 2 December 2016 for shareholders on the register at 28 October 2016, with an ex-dividend date of 27 October 2016. The last date for elections for the dividend re-investment plan is 11 November 2016.


Games Workshop Group PLC announces that sales and profits in the four months to 2 October 2016 are ahead of the Board’s original expectations.

Over the four month period of the year to date we have seen sales growth in constant currency terms. Sales have further benefitted from the favourable impact of a weaker pound. These have resulted in growth in reported sales for the period.

However, the Board is aware that this is early in the 2017 financial year and that there are a number of key challenging trading periods ahead.

So it looks like whatever happened since summer (revised AoS, and shotgun 40k releases) has the board optimistic of the first four months of their 2016 years. However they acknowledge the upcoming holiday and electorial periods as well.

GW 2015 Report Summary:



Games Workshop 12 Month Stock Price

 GW dropped their annual report a day early yesterday on the 25th instead of today the 26th.
We will provide the detailed information on the results for the 2015/6 financial year at the time of our announcement on 26 July 2016.

Regardless just as any year, there is no lack of drama with this report as Roundtree address a number of proxie votes against the board, why the may have happened, and then in a whopping 64 page report breaks down a lot of what it is GW does as a company.

Well have at it! Can GW see the light at the end of the tunnel now that sales are up? Have they satiated the questions of a curious hobby and non-hobby audience?

So what say ye?


GW’s 2015 Financial Report

Richard Beddard’s Follow Up