Marvel 40k Comic #1 Incoming Featuring Marneus Calgar!

marneus walThe Ultramarines are the first up in the new 40k Marvel comic that will feature Indomitus Primaris Marines and Marneus Calgar!

Warhammer Community gave us an update on their partnership with Marvel Comics. If you remember, back in 2019, we saw an announcement post officially bringing their project to light.

 Earlier Announcement From 2019: GW Teams Up With Marvel


We saw this first announcement a while back:

Games Workshop and Marvel are collaborating to create Warhammer comics! Even better, the first comics are due to land in autumn 2020. Yeah, we know – it’s super rad.

While we’ve got about a year to wait and nothing beyond this shocking announcement, we can only guess as to what kind of comics we’ll see published. However, with the comic-making experience that Marvel has combined with GW’s Grimdark universe, we’re definitely in for a treat.

GW has plenty of options on where to start their comic series. We may be seeing a comic series dating back to the beginning events of 8th edition like the Devastation of Baal all the way to where the Primaris Marines are now well-after the Vigilus series. –And that’s all just the 40k side of things.

There wasn’t much more in the announcement aside the fact that the two companies were working together. However, now we can see the fruit of their labor.

Marvel 40k Comic #1 Incoming Featuring Marneus Calgar!

marvel marneus calgarThe team at Marvel have worked hand in hand with the Warhammer Studio throughout the making of the Marneus Calgar comic to ensure that everything looks and feels like the 41st Millennium you know and love. Our loremasters and hawk-eyed reviewers have ensured that from bolters to [redacted],* this is an accurate and 100% official portrait of the grim darkness of the far future. 

When will Marneus Calgar be out? We’ll let you know as soon as we have the details. For now, though, feast your eyes on the stunning cover from the first issue in this landmark series!

marneus calgar art - CopyMarneus has been a long-time Chapter Master of the Ultramarines back from the days of Rogue Trader. He’s as much part of the 40k Grimdark lore as some of the Primarchs. Soon enough, we’ll be able to read about him and the Ultramarines in an official comic form.

If you’re curious about playing Marneus on the tabletop, check out our review of his kit!

What do you think about GW’s partnership with Marvel? Would you like to see all sorts of new series come out with a perspective of Chaos, Aeldari, etc? 

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