New Skaven AoS Miniatures Revealed For Winning the Slaughter At Hel Crown

new skaven battletome hel crown preview age of sigmar

The Skaven won Hel Crown, and new AoS models, miniatures, and a battletome featuring clans Moulder, Skyre, and Verminous were revealed!

Skaven Win the Slaughter At Hel Crown: New AoS Models & Miniatures Revealed!

Skaven Hel Crown

The Skaven have clinched victory and are now sinking their claws into the Mortal Realms! As they tighten their grip, there’s exciting news on the horizon for fans of this sneaky, backstabbing faction. While it’s been hinted that the new models will roll out over the course of the year, it’s a thrill to finally get a peek at what’s coming. We’re not just talking about fresh sculpts for the old Skaven favorites—though those are looking sharp—but we’re also getting some brand-new miniatures and a battletome that are sure to turn heads on the battlefield. It’s a great time to be a Skaven player!

The Slaughter at Hel Crown Preview Show – Warhammer Age of Sigmar

New AoS Hel Crown Skaven Miniatures

hel crown preview teasers new skaven

The siege of Hel Crown has come to a grim conclusion, and all that’s left is tallying up the damage. The defenders fought like legends, but the sheer weight of Skaven numbers was just too overwhelming. The Stormcast Eternals have been knocked down a peg, and now the ratmen are swarming across the Adamantine Chain like it’s their personal playground. With fresh Gnawholes tearing up the landscape and the city falling under the shadow of the Great Horned Rat, it’s clear that Hel Crown’s glory days are officially over. Here is the latest on the new Skaven Miniatures from the Warhammer Community.

New Clan Skyre Models

New AoS Skaven MiniaturesAcolyte Globadiers

Underneath the Warlocks of Clan Skryre, you’ve got a motley crew of underlings, including the Acolyte Globadiers. These guys are decked out in protective gear and armed with poisoned wind globes—little bombs full of gaseous warpstone that turn anyone who breathes them in into a pile of goo. Each Acolyte is a wannabe genius, constantly tweaking their gear in hopes of impressing the higher-ups.


New AoS Skaven MiniaturesEven the Skaven’s endless hunger can’t crack the walls of reality—at least not on its own. But the mad scientists of Clan Skryre aren’t about to let a little thing like that stop them. These crazed inventors whipped up Warp-Grinders, devices that channel warpstone energy into a beam powerful enough to punch through the very fabric of reality. And when it comes to lesser obstacles like Steam Tanks, Mega-Gargants, or rampaging Maw-Gruntas? The Warp-Grinders slice through them like butter.

Doom Flayers

New AoS Skaven MiniaturesOriginally intended for mining, the wild and unpredictable Doom-Flayers have found a new calling as weapons of war. Any Skaven lucky—or unlucky—enough to pilot one of these crude machines is bound to rev the engine to the max, sending these spinning death machines tearing across the battlefield. As they plow through the enemy ranks, they leave nothing but chaos and carnage in their wake.

Warpspark Battery

Warpspark BatterySkaven, being the cowards they are, have a soft spot for ranged weapons, and the ingenious minds of Clan Skryre have delivered in spades with their Warpspark Weapon Batteries. These include Ratling Guns, Warpfire Throwers, and Warpvolt Scourgers, all deployed alongside the endless hordes of Clanrats. These weapons are devastating on the battlefield, with their operators often cackling with mad glee—right up until the moment the thing explodes in their face.

Warlock Galvaneer

Warplock GalvaneerWarlock Galvaneers, some of the most unhinged members of Clan Skryre, have a serious obsession with warp-lightning—a highly dangerous and barely controllable force. On the battlefield, they wield their Warpvolt Obliterators to supercharge other devices and unleash crackling volleys of destructive energy at their enemies

Arch Warlock

Each Clan Skryre is led by an Arch-Warlock who’s equal parts genius and menace. These warp-science wizards are the brains behind deadly machines like the Ratling Warpblasters and their own customized gear. With a collection of quirky gadgets, they can crudely harness magical energy, storing it in aether-accumulators until they’re ready to unleash it in devastating blasts.

New AoS Skaven Miniatures: Clan Moulder

Thanquol & Boneripper

New AoS Skaven MiniaturesThey didn’t give us too much info on what they will do on the battlefield, but the re-release of this amazing kit has tons of detail, and we’re sure it will be a favorite for any Clan Moulder players out there!

Brood Terror

New AoS Skaven Miniatures

Created in the foul labs of Clan Moulder, the Brood Terror is a testament to the Skaven’s dark practices. These grotesque giants are formed through unwilling sacrifices, often with the head of the Master Moulder still alive and guiding the beast toward its next victim. The Brood Terror is not just a sight to behold; it’s a force to be reckoned with. Equipped with giant rusted flails, warpflame scourgers, and flensing knife-limbs, this monstrosity can crush, blast, and dissect foes with terrifying efficiency.

In the stream, they mentioned you could put Skaven inside the Brood Terror and actually pop up out of the ground directly into combat with enemy units!

Master Moulder

Master MoulderMaster Moulders, their own bodies warped by years of exposure to warpstone and self-experimentation, lead the charge. Accompanied by packs of hulking Rat Ogors, these deranged masterminds are always on the hunt for fresh test subjects, armed with their vicious things-catchers to snare their next victim.

New AoS Skaven Miniatures: Clan Verminous


StormverminWhile most Skaven are notorious for their cowardly, backstabbing ways, the same can’t be said for the brawny and armored Stormvermin. These fierce warriors are marked for greatness from birth, having already shown their ruthlessness by devouring their litter-mates. Put through a grueling training regime that hones their brutal instincts; they wield deadly halberds with a discipline that’s rare among Skaven.

New AoS Skaven MiniaturesKrittok Foulblade, the notorious Clawlord, distinguishes himself from his peers with his icy, calculating frugality. Sure, he has no qualms about sending hordes of Clanrats to their doom—it’s his prerogative—but he figures that sparing a few today might mean they can be sacrificed more efficiently tomorrow.

Vizzik Skour

New AoS Skaven Miniatures

When Kragnos broke free from his mountain prison in Ghur, the resulting surge of primal energy even rattled Blight City from the heart of the Masterburrow, a wild daemon of ruin burst forth, its fury only quelled by desperate prayers to the Great Horned Rat. After the Vermindoom secured the Skaven god’s spot in the Chaos pantheon, this daemon was shaped into Vizzik Skour, Lord of the Gnaw and Prophet of the Horned Rat.

SkavenVizzik now rules from Hexeneste, the grand cathedral at the center of the Gnaw, where he spreads a death frenzy among his twisted followers. These crazed ratmen, driven by a bloodthirsty zeal unusual for Skaven, attack with relentless fury. Meanwhile, Vizzik wields his Gnawstaff to purge the realm of non-believers—whether they’re enemies or fellow Skaven who fail to meet his standards.

New 4th Edition Skaven Battletome

Skaven Battletome

All the rules for these new units will be packed into the upcoming Battletome: Skaven, the ultimate guide to the Skaven in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The new edition has given these books a major makeover, and Games Workshop will be dropping more on their fresh look soon.

The Skaven are emerging as a dominant force in the Mortal Realms, with the release of exciting new miniatures for clans Moulder, Skyre, and Verminous. The siege of Hel Crown has resulted in a grim victory for the Skaven, and their relentless advance is marked by the unveiling of formidable new models. From the inventive creations of Clan Skyre to the grotesque giants of Clan Moulder, the Skaven’s arsenal is expanding! With these new models and miniatures, it’s evident that the Skaven’s influence and threat on the battlefield are set to rise, making this a great time to be a Skaven player in Age of Sigmar.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Do you like all the New Skaven models and Miniatures for Age of Sigmar and their Battletome that were just revealed? Will you be picking any of them up?