Top 10 Things You Need To Know About 8th Edition 40k

8th Edition Rule Book POST

8th Edition is finally here so we got to work on our very first Tips & Tactics feature with some tips to help your transition to 8th Edition go smoothly.

The reviews and starting games are going around the internet and YouTube by those lucky enough to get early copies. In what will be the first of several Tips and Tactics vids and posts, we will be doing a “Ten Things You Need To Know” about the factions and rules. Now, below will be a sample of what is in the vid, so we encourage you to check it out for the full ten tips breakdown.

So, these 12 pages of rules have caused a lot of ruckus and an FAQ cleared some of it up already. The first tip we can give you is to approach these rules with a fresh mind. Look at them as if this is the first time you have ever played Warhammer. You will be better off in the long run. For Matched Play, we cannot stress this enough, that your units for the most part must share at least one Faction keyword even though they may be in different detachment (there are exceptions and those will be stated in the specific Faction overview).

Ten things Matched Play

A few things about Matched Play to remember: 1) With the exception of Smite, each psychic power can only be attempted once per turn. 2) Each Stratagem cannot be used by a player more than once during any single phase. However, this doesn’t apply to before the battle begins or at the end of a battle round. 3) You must set up half of your units on the table. even if you can keep them in reserve.

Also another VERY important point to remember about dice modifiers that was confirmed in the FAQ:

Q: If a rule or ability grants a re-roll on, for example, ‘hit rolls of 1’ (such as a Space Marine Captain’s ‘Rites of Battle’ ability) does that effect trigger before or after applying modifiers to the hit rolls?

A: Re-rolls always happen before modifiers, so the re-roll ability is triggered before applying modifiers. For example, let’s imagine a Space Marine (Ballistic Skill 3+) moves and fires a heavy bolter (a Heavy 3 weapon) whilst within range of a Space Marine Captain’s ‘Rites of Battle’ ability (allowing you to re-roll hit rolls of 1). The hit dice are rolled and result in a 1, 2 and 5. Re-rolls are applied before modifiers. In this example a single dice is re-rolled because of the Captain’s ability, this time resulting in a 3. Modifiers are applied after re-rolls. In this example there is a -1 modifier to the hit rolls for moving and firing a Heavy weapon. That means that the post-re-roll scores of 2, 3 and 5

Primaris Space Marines

Here’s Part One of our Top 10 Things You Need To Know About 8th Edition 40k:

  • Matched Play Truths
  • All Units Must Have the Same Faction in Matched Play (for the most part)
  • Every Army Gets 3 Command Points To Start
  • Battle Length & First Turns In Matched Play
  • Minimum Movement Mechanic with Airborne Keyword
  • Advancing Is the New Run Move
  • New Battle Round Vs. Player Turn Sequencing
  • Perils of the Warp isn’t “as” bad anymore
  • Re-Rolls
  • New Modifiers To Rolls (Above)

Remember, this is just a sample of our tips and tactics break down to getting started. Be sure to check out our video below for the full break down.

Warhammer 40,000: $60


There is no time for peace. No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war.

After more than forty thousand years of war and strife among the stars, Humanity stands on the brink of extinction. Beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened from within by traitors, Humanity’s only chance for survival rests with the continuation of the cruel and bloody regime known as the Imperium. Yet few among Mankind’s untold population realise the full truth of their situation. If there is any future at all, it is a grim one…

The Book

A 280-page hardback, this is the essential book for any fan of Warhammer 40,000 – everything you need to know to collect, build, paint and play with Citadel miniatures.


The Core Rules explain everything you need to play to play Warhammer 40,000. Moving, shooting, using psychic powers, charging, fighting and morale tests are covered, giving you the basic framework to play with. You can play a game using only these 8 pages, bolting on more advanced and complex rules when you and your opponent are ready.

Three Ways to Play

– Open Play – pick some models, put them on the table and begin a game. This is the most flexible approach, designed with near-limitless possibilities; all you need is some models, their datasheets and the core rules. Included are some themes and ideas you can use or build upon to add atmosphere to your games, and 3 example missions.
– Narrative Play – Warhammer 40,000 has a vast, rich history with countless epic battles. Narrative Play is designed to let you and your friends re-enact those battles at your leisure. There are special rules to help you do this, such as Concealed Deployment and unpredictable, random battle lengths, and the book includes several missions – 6 Crucible of War missions and 1 Echoes of War mission, each showing you how to play in this style.
– Matched Play – for many players, Warhammer 40,00 is an opportunity to prove their mettle with tactics and strategy, an exercise in out-thinking and out-gunning their opponent with balanced, equal armies: Matched Play is for them. There are several ways to ensure that your forces are balanced against each other – a points limit is the typical way, but the system is flexible enough to allow armies based on unit numbers, Power Ratings, Wounds; as long as your limits are agreed, the possibilities are manifold. This book provides details on choosing your armies, and provides missions as examples of the tactical challenges available: 6 Eternal War and 6 Maelstrom of War missions, with explanations covering the use of Tactical Objectives.

Advanced Rules

While the Core Rules provide with you with everything needed to play, the Advanced Rules are a selection of rules and expansions that can be used to play with your miniatures the way that you want to. With these rules, there are always new challenges to face, new battles to fight, and new ways to play:

– Battle-Forged Armies: organise your models in a way that reflects the armies of Warhammer 40,000 – this places restrictions on your army, but makes up for it with powerful benefits, which use a system of Command Points;
– Battlefield Terrain: rules for a variety of terrains (Woods, Ruins, Barricades, Obstacles, Imperial Statuary, Fuel Pipes, Battlescape and Hills), each of which introduce scenarios and opportunities that change the nature of battle;
– Battlezones: rules for fighting amidst the effects of otherworldly environments, including low visibility, beneath an apocalyptic orbital battle and in the middle of a devastating psychic maelstrom;
– Planetstrike: slam down from orbit in a terrifying planetary assault. Two players are separated into Attacker and Defender, with scenarios that play out a full incursion and a Planetfall mission;
– Cities of Death: street fighting in the ruins of a shattered city, with buildings bitterly fought over – the claustrophobia of urban warfare makes for tense battles with snipers and grenades coming to the fore. Includes a Firesweep mission for playing out room-to-room combat;
– Stronghold Assault: dig in for a game of fortified siege warfare. One player seeks to overwhelm the prepared defences of another, with a Bunker Assault mission included;
– Death From the Skies: dogfighting for your Flyer models, allowing the recreation of epic clashes above the battlefield. A Tactical Strike mission involves a defence against a bombing run;
– Multiplayer Battles: rules accommodating three (or more!) players, with an example of a multiplayer battle to work from;
– Campaigns: an overview of linking your games into Tree, Matrix and Map campaigns.

Dark Millennium

The book contains a full detailing of the state of the galaxy after the events of the Gathering Storm – the major players, the struggles they face and the sheer grimness of eternal war, as Chaos threatens to engulf Humanity.

The Imperium of Man

Details of the various worlds within the Imperium, explanations of the Ecclesiarchy – the official state religion of the Imperium, and the Ages of Mankind, with maps of important locations within the galaxy showing in stark detail how the Great Rift may have doomed Humanity forever.

There’s also an in-depth account of the current state of the Imperium – the increased threat from Chaos and the steps being taken in order to counter them.

The Forces of Chaos

You’ll find an explanation of the Chaos Gods – who they are, their motivations and their methods – along with the vile armies of the Heretic Astartes: Space Marines, once loyal, who now blindly follow the corrupt lure of Chaos, debasing themselves in battle for their dark masters.

The Xenos Threat

This book provides an overview of the major alien antagonists who populate the galaxy – the Aeldari (Craftworld, Harlequins, Ynnari and Drukhari), Necrons, Orks, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults and T’au Empire. Each of these includes their backstory and guides to their equipment, hierarchies and weapons of war.

Be sure to check out our Tips and Tactics Vid of the 8th Edition Rule Book for Warhammer 40,000!

Be sure to check back with us daily for more 8th Edition news and reviews. For more on the 8th Edition Rule Book and all things Warhammer 40,000 head on over to Games Workshop!

About the Author: Juan Lopez