New Warhammer 40k Board Games, Chaos MTO Pre-Order Pricing

GW Made To Order warhammer 40k games workshop

Here are the pricing and links for the new Old World Chaos Made to Order (MTO) and Warhammer board games that are on pre-order now!

Warhammer MTO: New Warriors of Chaos Models & Black Library Pre-Order Pricing

Games Workshop has just revealed the following lineup of new Made To Order releases for Warhammer The Old World that are hitting pre-order this week. Here are all the details for these latest new releases, which will be available to pre-order from Games Workshop directly on Saturday, September 14th, 2024, around 1 p.m. EST in the States for delivery in 180 days.

New Warhammer The Old World Pre-Order

warhammer the old world banner
Gather ’round and ready your wallets, because it’s time to revisit the battle-scarred world of Warhammer: The Old World! Whether you’re a veteran warlord with a collection that could rival Emperor Karl Franz’s own or a fresh recruit eager to make your mark, this new Warhammer Old World pre-order may be your golden ticket to glory.

Warriors of Chaos Made to Order: Only Available From Games Workshop’s Website Directly 

Warriors of Chaos Made to Order

The rhythmic thudding, signaling the great hordes of Chaos descending from the north, preparing to scour the land for the Dark Gods, has been noticed. Along with the approaching grim times, a new set of classic miniatures is set to be released. Four veterans of the Ruinous Powers will be offered as Made to Order products, including the Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed, a Chaos Daemon Prince with Sword, a Daemon Prince with Axe, and a repulsive Chaos Spawn. These metal miniatures will be available from 10 am local time on Saturday, the 14th of September, until 8 am BST on Monday, the 23rd of September.

New Warhammer Official Licensed Product Pre-Order

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This week’s pre-orders are loaded with officially licensed products that’ll have your gaming table, wardrobe, or hobby shelf looking top-notch. Whether you’re eyeing that sleek new apparel or grabbing some collectible figures to show off your love for the grimdark future, there’s something for everyone.

Warhammer Introduction Sets

aos beginner set blitzbowl and tyranid attack

Eager to dive into the world of Warhammer without the hassle? These products can be snagged right now from Barnes and Noble in North America and selected retail chains in Germany but are sadly missing from The Tyranids Attack game is also available from Target stores in the United States. 

Age of Sigmar Beginner Set: $34.99 Available at Barnes & Noble

Age of Sigmar Beginner Set 5011921229284_p0_v1_s1200x1200

Age of Sigmar Beginner Set 5011921229284_p1_v2_s1200x1200

According to Games Workshop, this contains 25 push-fit miniatures and is perfect for anyone looking to take the plunge into the Warhammer hobby.

Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition: $49.99 Available at Barnes & Noble

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Blitz Bowl 5011921229161_p1_v2_s1200x1200

Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition miniatures do require clippers, but the game itself is a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping sports experience where you can score touchdowns and crush the opposing team. 

Space Marines Adventures Tyranids Attack:  $39.99 (Target) $34.99 (Barnes & Noble)

Space Marines Adventurs TYranids Attack 5011921229208_p0_v1_s1200x1200

Space Marines Adventurs TYranids Attack 5011921229208_p1_v2_s1200x1200

The team includes five push-fit Space Marine miniatures, each in brightly colored plastic, and plays exactly like Labyrinth of the Necrons

  • Sergeant Maximus of the Ultramarines
  • Brother Raphael of the Blood Angels
  • Brother Vorne of the Iron Hands
  • Brother Adrix of the Salamanders
  • Brother Lukas of the Space Wolves

If you already got Lieutenant Titus from the Space Marine Board Game, there’s a card for him in the box, too.

New Black Library Pre-Orders

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s a new great read for everyone again this week.

The Twice-dead King Collection: Only Available From Games Workshop’s Website Directly 

The Twice-dead King Collection

The story revolves around the character Lord Oltyx, who was once in line for the throne of a Necron dynasty but is now leading a small garrison against an overwhelming Ork horde. In order to save his dynasty, Oltyx must confront a terrifying threat from the origins of the Necrons with the help of his distinct personalities. The Twice-dead King Collection comprises two novels, a novella, and several short stories, each contained in three volumes with a luxury slipcase, ribbon bookmarks, and full-color art. The collection is only available for a limited time, and one of the novels is signed by the author.

So, for this week, whether you’re a die-hard lore-worm or love retro models, the new releases from Games Workshop are sure to stir up excitement. From iconic Warriors of Chaos MTO offerings to a few black library options, there are some excellent options for Warhammer hobbyists to choose from this Saturday!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think of all the new MTO and Black Library releases hitting pre-order this week?