Genestealer Cults First Book & Rules: 40k Vintage

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2020 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Genestealer Cults, Warhammer 40k News

genestealer cult vintage

You might think that with all the recent support in 40k, the Genestealer Cults are a newer faction. They’ve actually been around for ages.

Genestealer Cult players that can pilot the army competitively can finish high at tournaments fairly comfortably. With all the recent GSC support, we’ve decided to go back to Codex Tyranids to trace the origins of the Genestealers. Of course, the Genestealers were their own entity in “Rogue Trader”. Plus, they had some rules in an earlier White Dwarf, but this was their first fully published rules set.

The First-Ever GSC 40k Rules: 2nd Edition Tyranid Codex

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This book was written by fan favorite Andy Chambers. He was THE hive mind and did a lot of work to keep these guys relevant throughout 3rd edition.

You’ll notice in the text that army composition was a big deal. Only 25% of your army could consist of support and up to 50% on Characters. That might sound like a lot but it was an era of “HeroHammer” (People really loaded up on the badass characters to do the work). Further, at least 25% of your army had to be Broods.

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Now back in the day, Genestealer Cults actually weren’t able to ally with Tyranids on the Tabletop. This is because fluff-wise, the only time you would see Genestealer Cults and Tyranids in the same place at once was at the moment that the Tyranids began to eat the Cults and their world for their delicious Biomass. Looking at 40k now, people are souping up as much as they can and it’s not uncommon to see some GSC players run a couple of Hive Tyrants or even Tyrant Guard.

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Moving along deeper into the book, it goes into the wargear and the tactics. It also included the whole catalog so you could buy just the bits. This helped them sell models back in the day but we all know the internet has changed all that.

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If you want to take an even deeper look into the first full GSC book, check out our video below! Throw this on while you paint some of your Cults and enjoy.

 What do you think about the Genestealer Cults in 40k now? Did you ever expect them to be a standalone army again? What does your list look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.