RUMORS: New Orruk & Gloomspite Gitz Model Kits on the Way!

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopWith GW already showing off one new Orruk, the rumors for new Gloomspite Gitz model kits are looking better- check it out!

While we know Orruks are getting new units, the question is, what are they going to be? Well, thanks to some rumors, we have an idea of what they are getting and then even what new Gobbo kits are coming as well.

Before we dive into the rumors, remember, that these are rumors! So, take this with as much salt as you need, as nothing is 100% until GW confirms it. Let’s take a closer look!

RUMORS: New Orruk & Gloomspite Gitz Model Kits on the Way!

The rumors come from TGA.

AoS Book Roadmap 2023Let’s dive right into the new rumored kits!

Later in September for Orruks:
Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta – centrepiece kit for this release
Zoggrok Anvilsmasha – Megaboss or Megaboss-sized model on foot
New Ardboyz
Ardboy Big Boss
Weirdbrute Wrekkaz
Gloomspite Gitz:
Rabble-Rowza separate release
Trugg’s Great Troggherd – similar box to the recent Dawnbringers boxes with a mix of new and old models

Ardboy Big Boss 2

Well, GW showed off and confirmed the Ardboy Big Boss, meaning it would only make sense for GW to also make a new Ardboyz kit. It’s not too often they make a character kit and just not redo the unit they are for.

Then, the Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta would also make sense in the way that GW loves to make a big kit for a line rework to really get people’s attention.

Orruk RumorsNext up, we saw this commemorative model revealed “by accident” by GW, but considering it’s not a regular release, it’s not on the list. So, we know this model will be out soon and might line up perfectly with the Orruks release. It seems like all versions of Orruks are getting something this time around.

Talking of characters, Zoggrok Anvilsmasha also doesn’t sound like anything too crazy, as they need another big character on foot, and GW loves to update a bunch of characters over redo a ton of infantry.

The Weirdbrute Wrekkaz are a pretty big question mark, and people have been guessing all sorts of things about this unit. However, with the name, we have to assume something with magic and maybe a command corps-type unit, like the Gobbapalooza.

Maybe a unit that gives themselves buffs in combat or something to smash through the enemy. Either way, if this is real, we must expect something with magic, which is probably big!

Gloomspite Gitz Releases

New Regiments of Renown 5Well, it only would make sense for GW to release the Rabble-Rowza on its own, and if they are lined up after Orruks, GW will probably wait until then to release it. The Trugg’s Great Troggherd box is a bit more of a question mark, as we don’t know what new models will be inside.

Either way, with the name of Troggherd, we expect to see new Troggs and maybe a box with nothing but giant minis inside!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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