Aliens & Skeletons – GMM’s Adepticon 2014 Blog Part 5

By GMM Studios | March 20th, 2014 | Categories: Adepticon 2014, GMM
Hey everyone!  Sorry for the lack of updates.  Working on so many projects right now basically as the weather sees fit and as things dry.  

So lots of progress spread over many means there isnt going to be much to show until they all fall into place at the same time down the road.  Right now I have going:

– The throne
– The Fantasy army for the throne
– The egg chair 
– The Kuksi guts of the chair
– The Marine army for the egg chair
– A customer’s 2000 point admech army
– 4 RoB city tiles for that army, one being a custom city with LEDs and a tablet for a billboard
– A 25 model demo set of Wrath of Kings for CMoN
Phew!  This is definitely the most I have bit off right before Adepticon, so let’s save as much time as possible and run down the egg progress!

First thing I did was take it outside! Thank goodness for good weather.

 Next, I gave it a good priming with a few shades of bone color.

I came in with the airbrush and added some blue tone.
Then some brown.
Then once it dried I started the washing.  Really started to come alive with the first stroke.

Fully washed.
And dry!
I then began to add more shading with blues and browns.
And the result so far!  I am still debating on some semi gloss.  Will worry about that later though.
Now for the tiles – here is the main Kill Team display that will be used at Adepticon.  He wanted a city theme for his Admech and LED lights.  We also decided on a tablet for a billboard.
All four tiles will then be used for his team army.
Here is the main tile based.

And washed.

The tablet for the billboard.  Should be sweet!

Some images from the Fantasy side – first the BSB.

Brought the chair in out of the weather.

Being silly!
Until next time!  Should have something finished then. 🙂

Stay tuned! Keep up with my latest work on Facebook, or connect with me on the blog GMM