GMM’s Golden Throne Pt 1 – The Concept

By GMM Studios | November 21st, 2014 | Categories: GMM
Hey all!  It’s that time again – the leaves change, the weather cools, and my impending yearly marathon creeps heavier into my regular thoughts.

 I have had a few ideas here and there, and even posted on a few of them, but I have decided the natural conclusion of last year’s two projects was to combine them into one most ambitious project and ubiquitous 40k icon – the Golden Throne itself.  It feels natural, as a lot of what I learned from the inside of the egg chair felt like great practice for something like this.
But let’s get to the rough idea.
The Original – John Blanche
A crude drawing of the rough shape I have in my mind.  This is the basics, and will likely change and become much less boxy and taller and slimmer in the final form.  The conundrum of balancing army placement will still exist – but different this time is I want the display to actually be complete without the army.  It will be temporarily used as a team tournament display, but otherwise this “display” will not have a matching army.  It needs to stand alone but also have space for a very large force, hence the open bottom.  I am getting ahead of myself though, so lets go over the rough look.
The inside of the egg chair is going to be very similar in terms of detail.  Lots of sci-fi model bits and bobs and the feel of something encrusted with unidentifiable doodads.


This image shows the slight tweak the golden throne will have in comparison to the inside of the egg.  Less “space hulk” more “religious altar.”


I had to go ahead and share this – I was pretty lucky and straight away found the perfect Emperor.  6 feet or so tall and just needs posing and a bit of putty.  And he has the dance moves of the leader of humanity.

That’s it for this post.  In the future I will go over purchasing bits and bobs and preparing for the project.

Want up to the minute updates on all the stuff I am working on? Feel free to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  Thanks!