The Sacrifice of Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels 40k Legion

sanguinius wal hor title blood angels warhammer 40k primarch

This is the epically flawed tale of Sanguinius, the angelic 40k Primarch of the Blood Angels Space Marine legion, from his origins to his sacrifice in the Horus Heresy.

The Sacrifice of Sanguinius, The Angelic Primarch of the Blood Angels Space Marine Legion: Warhammer 40k

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Sanguinius, the angelic Warhammer 40k Primarch of the Blood Angels, is super iconic in the Warhammer 40k universe. His majestic wings and incredible combat skills inspired countless warriors across the Imperium. His life, marked by heroism, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to the Emperor, ended when he faced Horus Lupercal on board the Vengeful Spirit. Find out more about Sanguinius by jumping to any of the sections below, or just dig in from the beginning!

Sanguinius: A Tale of Heroism and Tragedy

baal blood angels homeworld

Who is Sanguinius in Warhammer 40k?

Sanguinius, often referred to as the Great Angel, is one of the most iconic and revered Primarchs in the Warhammer 40k universe. With his majestic white wings and angelic appearance, Sanguinius embodies both the physical and moral pinnacle of the Emperor’s gene-crafted sons.

Born in the irradiated death world of Baal, Sanguinius quickly rose to prominence due to his unmatched combat prowess and charismatic leadership. But don’t let the halo fool you; this angel has a dark side. Sanguinius is also known for the genetic curse he passed onto his Blood Angels – the Red Thirst, an insatiable craving for blood that haunts every member of his legion. Despite this, his purity of heart and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor made him a beacon of hope during the dark times of the Horus Heresy.

Significance in Warhammer 40k

Emperor vs Horus final

In the very fabric of Warhammer 40k lore, Sanguinius holds a place of honor and tragedy. His significance is twofold: as a paragon of virtue and heroism and as a tragic figure marked by his inevitable downfall. During the Great Crusade, Sanguinius’ leadership and tactical genius were instrumental in numerous victories against the enemies of humanity. He was a confidant and advisor to his fellow Primarchs, most notably to Horus before his fall from grace.

Sanguinius’ most defining moment came during the Siege of Terra, where he valiantly defended the Imperial Palace against the forces of Chaos. His final battle against Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit is legendary, not only for his bravery but also for the profound impact it had on the Emperor and the future of the Imperium. His death, a vision he had foreseen, was a pivotal moment in the Horus Heresy, symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.

Origins and Early Life

Sanguinius Warhammer 40k story begins in the harsh and irradiated world of Baal. This desolate planet, with its toxic atmosphere and mutated wildlife, was the unlikely birthplace of the most angelic of the Primarchs. Found by the nomadic tribes of Baal, Sanguinius was quickly recognized for his extraordinary abilities and physical perfection. His majestic wings, a gift from his genetic heritage, marked him as a being of divine origin to the tribespeople.

As he grew, Sanguinius demonstrated not only immense physical prowess but also a profound sense of justice and compassion. He united the warring tribes of Baal, leading them to prosperity and peace in a world that knew only strife and suffering. His leadership on Baal was a prelude to the greater destiny that awaited him among the stars.

The Birth of an Angel

Sanguinius’ early years were marked by constant struggle and survival in the harsh, radiation-soaked world of Baal. Despite these challenges, he emerged as a natural leader, guiding his tribe to dominance over the mutant hordes that plagued their existence. His inherent nobility and tactical brilliance were evident even then, qualities that would define his future role as a Primarch.

Sanguinius’ angelic appearance, complete with magnificent wings, led to a dual perception among his people. While many saw him as a divine savior, others feared his otherworldly nature. This dichotomy only fueled his determination to prove his worth through his actions, earning the unwavering loyalty of his followers.

His leadership was not just about strength; it was also about compassion and understanding, traits that endeared him to those he led.

Sanguinius’ Unique Abilities and Traits

When the Emperor of Mankind arrived, recognizing Sanguinius’ potential, he was elevated to the status of Primarch of the Blood Angels. This moment marked the beginning of his legendary journey alongside the Emperor and his fellow Primarchs. The early life of Sanguinius was a testament to his resilience and his unyielding spirit, qualities that would define his legacy in the annals of Warhammer 40k

Sanguinius’ unique abilities extended beyond his physical prowess. His wings not only allowed him to fly but also symbolized his elevated status among the Primarchs. His combat skills were unparalleled, and he was known for his speed, strength, and tactical acumen.

However, it was his ability to inspire and lead that truly set him apart. Sanguinius was a beacon of hope and courage, and his presence on the battlefield often turned the tide of battle in favor of the Imperium.

Rise to Power & Becoming a Primarch

sanguinius walThe Emperor’s arrival on Baal was a momentous occasion. Recognizing Sanguinius as one of his lost sons, the Emperor welcomed him into the fold of the Imperium. Sanguinius was given command of the IX Legion, the Blood Angels, who were instantly captivated by their Primarch’s grace and nobility.

Under Sanguinius’ leadership, the Blood Angels transformed into a formidable force renowned for their martial prowess and unyielding loyalty. The Great Crusade saw Sanguinius and his legion achieving countless victories, bringing worlds into compliance and expanding the reach of the Imperium. His tactical brilliance and inspirational presence made him a beloved figure not only to his legion but also to the entire Imperium.

Sanguinius’ early life and rise to leadership set the stage for his role as a central figure in the Horus Heresy. His journey from the irradiated wastes of Baal to the heights of Imperial command is a testament to his indomitable spirit and unshakable faith in the Emperor’s vision for humanity.

The Blood Angels Legion

blood angels

The Blood Angels, under Sanguinius’ command, quickly rose to prominence within the Imperium. Renowned for their martial prowess and unyielding bravery, the Blood Angels became one of the most respected and feared Space Marine Legions. Sanguinius’ leadership style was hands-on; he led from the front, embodying the ideals of courage and sacrifice that he instilled in his warriors.

The legion’s combat doctrine focused on close-quarters combat, leveraging their speed and ferocity to overwhelm enemies. Sanguinius’ strategic mind was always at work, planning and executing maneuvers that left adversaries reeling. His presence on the battlefield was both a tactical advantage and a source of immense morale for his troops.

Major Battles & Heroic Deeds

Battles against the Mutants of Baal

baal planet

Before the grandeur of the Great Crusade, Sanguinius’ legend was forged in the crucible of Baal’s mutant-infested wastelands. The nomadic tribes of Baal were beset by hordes of mutated monstrosities, products of the planet’s toxic environment. Sanguinius, with his unparalleled combat skills and angelic wings, led the tribes in a relentless campaign to purge these abominations.

The battles against the mutants were brutal and relentless. Sanguinius fought with a ferocity and grace that became the hallmark of his combat style. His leadership and bravery inspired the tribesmen, who rallied behind him, transforming from scattered groups of survivors into a unified and formidable force. These early victories not only secured Baal but also cemented Sanguinius’ reputation as a savior and warrior-king.

Role in the Great Crusade

horus heresy primarchs

As the Primarch of the Blood Angels, Sanguinius played a pivotal role in the Emperor’s Great Crusade. This grand campaign aimed to reunite the scattered human colonies across the galaxy and bring them under the banner of the Imperium. Sanguinius and his Blood Angels were at the forefront of this effort, their red armor and angelic imagery striking fear into the hearts of the Emperor’s enemies.

Sanguinius’ strategic acumen and inspirational leadership led to numerous victories. He was not only a master of battlefield tactics but also a beacon of hope and courage. His presence could turn the tide of battle, and his compassion for the liberated human populations won the hearts and minds of many.

Among his peers, Sanguinius was a respected leader and confidant, known for his wisdom and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.

The Great Crusade was not just a series of military conquests for Sanguinius; it was a mission to spread the Emperor’s vision of a united and prosperous humanity. His actions during this period laid the foundation for his enduring legacy, showcasing his dual nature as both a warrior and a humanitarian.

Signus Prime

Sanguinius facing Ka'Bandha

The Blood Angels, under his command, participated in numerous pivotal battles across the galaxy. One of the most notable was the Battle of Signus Prime, where Sanguinius faced off against the daemonic hordes of Chaos. His bravery and tactical genius during this battle not only secured victory but also cemented his reputation as an indomitable force against the darkness.

Fear to Tread: The Horus Heresy, Book 21
  • Audible Audiobook
  • James Swallow (Author) - Gareth Armstrong (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 10/12/2017 (Publication Date) - Black Library (Publisher)

Last update on 2024-09-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

“Fear to Tread” by James Swallow delves into the struggles of Sanguinius and his Blood Angels during the Horus Heresy.

Sanguinius’ leadership extended beyond mere combat prowess. He was also a skilled diplomat and strategist, often acting as a mediator among his Primarch brothers. His ability to forge alliances and maintain cohesion within the Imperium’s forces was crucial during the tumultuous times leading up to the Horus Heresy.

Despite the constant warfare, Sanguinius remained a figure of hope and stability, guiding his legion through some of the darkest periods in the Imperium’s history.

Tragic Flaws and Curses

The Red Thirst

Blood Angels Sanguinary PriestSanguinius, despite his angelic demeanor, carried a dark secret within his genetic makeup – a flaw that would plague his beloved Blood Angels for millennia. This curse, known as the Red Thirst, manifests as an insatiable craving for blood. The Red Thirst is more than just a thirst; it is a gnawing hunger that can drive even the most disciplined Blood Angel to madness if not controlled.

The origins of the Red Thirst lie deep within Sanguinius’s genetic code. It is believed that this curse is tied to the unique abilities of the Blood Angels, particularly their enhanced strength and regenerative capabilities. This thirst for blood often manifests during intense battles, where the Blood Angels can be seen tearing through their enemies with a ferocity that borders on the savage.

To combat this, the Blood Angels have developed rituals and practices aimed at controlling their darker urges. They consume the blood of their fallen enemies in a ceremonial manner, hoping to sate the Red Thirst without succumbing to its madness. These rituals, however, are not a perfect solution, and the threat of losing control is a constant shadow over every Blood Angel warrior.

The Black Rage

death company lore

As if the Red Thirst were not enough, Sanguinius’ death at the hands of Horus inflicted yet another curse upon his sons – the Black Rage. This psychological and spiritual torment causes the afflicted Blood Angel to relive the Primarch’s final moments, filled with visions of his death and the betrayal of Horus.

Those who fall to the Black Rage are consumed by a berserk fury, losing all sense of self and becoming avatars of Sanguinius’ final, desperate battle. The Black Rage is a direct result of the psychic scream that echoed through the Warp when Sanguinius fell. This death scream imprinted itself on the souls of all Blood Angels, a haunting reminder of their Primarch’s sacrifice.

When Blood Angels succumb to the Black Rage, they are inducted into the Death Company, a unit composed of those who are beyond saving. These warriors are given the most dangerous missions, and their lives are spent in the Emperor’s service until they are inevitably cut down.

Death Company Logo

The dual burdens of the Red Thirst and the Black Rage make the Blood Angels one of the most tragic legions in the Warhammer 40k universe. These curses serve as both a source of great strength and profound weakness, shaping the destiny of the Blood Angels in every conflict they engage in. Despite these flaws, the Blood Angels continue to honor their Primarch’s legacy, fighting valiantly against the darkness within and without.

The Horus Heresy

Sanguinius feature

The Lost and the Damned: Siege of Terra: The Horus Heresy, Book 2
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Guy Haley (Author) - Jonathan Keeble (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 10/12/2019 (Publication Date) - Black Library (Publisher)

Last update on 2024-09-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The Horus Heresy was a defining period for Sanguinius and his legion. As the galaxy plunged into civil war, Sanguinius remained fiercely loyal to the Emperor despite the temptations and trials that came his way. His unyielding dedication to the Imperium was exemplified during the Siege of Terra, where he played a pivotal role in defending the Emperor’s Palace from the forces of Chaos.

Loyalty to the Emperor

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Sanguinius’ loyalty was tested when he was confronted by a daemon who offered to rid his sons of the Red Thirst in exchange for his soul. Displaying remarkable self-sacrifice, Sanguinius was prepared to accept, but his apothecary, Meros, took his place, allowing Sanguinius to continue fighting for the Emperor. This act of sacrifice further solidified his status as a paragon of virtue and dedication.

Throughout the Horus Heresy, Sanguinius’ loyalty to the Emperor never wavered. He resisted numerous attempts by Chaos to corrupt him, remaining steadfast in his commitment to the Imperium. His presence was a beacon of hope during the darkest hours of the Heresy, and his leadership was instrumental in rallying the defenders of Terra.

The Siege of Terra

the solar war

During the Siege of Terra, Sanguinius was a beacon of hope and courage. He led the defense against Horus’ forces with unmatched valor, inspiring his troops to hold the line against overwhelming odds. His presence on the battlefield was a rallying point for the defenders, and his strategic brilliance ensured that the Imperial Palace stood firm against the onslaught.

Sanguinius’ role in the Siege of Terra was pivotal. He personally led several key defensive actions, often placing himself at the most critical points of the battle. His ability to inspire his troops and his unyielding courage in the face of overwhelming odds were crucial in holding back the forces of Chaos long enough for the Emperor to make his final move against Horus.

The Final Confrontation with Horus

horus vs sanguinus

The End and the Death: Volume II: The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra, Book 8, Part 2
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Dan Abnett (Author) - Jonathan Keeble (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 11/04/2023 (Publication Date) - Black Library (Publisher)

Last update on 2024-09-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The climax of Sanguinius’ story came during his fateful confrontation with Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit. Despite knowing his fate through prescient visions, Sanguinius faced Horus with unwavering resolve. The battle was fierce, but ultimately, Sanguinius was slain by Horus, fulfilling his tragic destiny.

His sacrifice, however, weakened Horus just enough for the Emperor to deliver the final blow, ensuring the survival of the Imperium.

emperor vs horus clipart

The End and the Death: Volume III: The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra, Book 8, Part 3
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Dan Abnett (Author) - Jonathan Keeble (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 01/27/2024 (Publication Date) - Black Library (Publisher)

Last update on 2024-09-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Sanguinius’ final confrontation with Horus is one of the most iconic moments in Warhammer 40k lore. Despite his death, Sanguinius’ actions had a lasting impact. His sacrifice not only weakened Horus, allowing the Emperor to defeat him, but also served as a powerful symbol of loyalty and courage.

His final battle and sacrifice are depicted in “The End and the Death,” the concluding volumes of the Horus Heresy series by Dan Abnett.

The story of Sanguinius’ final stand continues to inspire the Blood Angels and the wider Imperium, embodying the values of sacrifice and honor.

Legacy & Influence

The Golden Sarcophagus

blood angels ancient

After his heroic sacrifice during the Siege of Terra, Sanguinius’ body was recovered by his loyal brother, Rogal Dorn. His remains were returned to the Blood Angels and laid to rest in a golden sarcophagus on Baal, the homeworld of his legion. The sarcophagus is a revered relic, symbolizing Sanguinius’ enduring legacy and the ultimate price he paid for the Imperium.

The Golden Sarcophagus is more than just a tomb; it is a symbol of hope and inspiration for the Blood Angels. Pilgrimages to Baal to pay homage to Sanguinius’ final resting place are common among the Blood Angels and their successor chapters. This sacred site serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made to protect humanity and the eternal vigilance required to uphold the values Sanguinius embodied.

Influence on the Blood Angels and the Imperium


Sanguinius’ influence extends far beyond his physical death. His ideals, bravery, and sacrifices continue to shape the Blood Angels and the broader Imperium. The Blood Angels strive to live up to the high standards set by their Primarch, battling both external foes and their internal curses – the Red Thirst and the Black Rage.

The rituals and traditions of the Blood Angels are deeply intertwined with the memory of Sanguinius. The Red Grail, a ceremonial chalice filled with the blood of the Primarch, is used in initiation rites to induct new members into the chapter. These rituals serve to connect the Blood Angels to their storied past, imbuing them with the strength and resolve needed to face their dark future.

Sanguinius’ legacy also influences the broader Imperium. He is venerated as a martyr and a symbol of ultimate loyalty and sacrifice. Statues, shrines, and paintings depicting Sanguinius in his angelic glory can be found throughout the Imperium, reminding the citizens of his unwavering dedication and the high cost of their freedom.

blood angels wal

His story is told and retold, becoming a part of the cultural fabric of the Imperium and inspiring countless warriors and leaders to follow in his footsteps. His memory drives the Blood Angels to strive for greatness despite the darkness within them, and his sacrifice remains a poignant reminder of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

Sanguinius Comes to Life as a Warhammer 40k Miniature

Sanguinius banner forge world

The arrival of Sanguinius in miniature form was a cause for celebration and, let’s be honest, a bit of drooling too. Forge World has taken its sweet time with this one, and it shows. This isn’t just another piece of resin; it’s the culmination of decades of Warhammer lore, brought to life with exceptional detail. The sculpt captures Sanguinius mid-battle, his wings spread wide, his face a mixture of divine fury and heartbreaking nobility. It’s a snapshot of the angelic Primarch in his element, fighting for the future of mankind with every fiber of his being. For those who have waited years for this, the reward is a model that truly does justice to Sanguinius’ legend.

Sanguinius Warhammer 40k Model Description & Key Features99560101618_BASanguiniusPrimarchoftheBloodAngels02

Let’s talk details. This isn’t just a pretty face—although Sanguinius certainly has that covered too. The model is sculpted with a level of intricacy that will have painters both excited and terrified. From the ornate design of his armor to the animal pelt draped over his shoulder, every inch of this model screams character. And the choice of weapons? It’s like picking between a vintage wine and a rare whiskey—either way, you’re in for a treat. Whether you opt for the Blade Encarmine or the Spear of Telesto, the model promises to be the centerpiece of any collection.


Buy The Warhammer 40k Sanguinius Model

Now, for those who like a little extra flair, Forge World has something special. Alongside the standard version, there’s a limited edition that comes with an extraordinary display base. This isn’t just a stand; it’s a stage, elevating the model to a level that would make even the most jaded collector nod in approval. While the standard version is a marvel on its own, this special edition takes things up a notch, making it a must-have for those looking to show off their love for the Blood Angels’ Primarch.

If you were lucky enough to attend the Horus Heresy Weekender in 2019, you got first dibs on Sanguinius. Imagine walking out with this beauty in your hands while everyone else was still hitting refresh on their browsers.

Painting The 40k Sanguinius Miniature


Painting Sanguinius is like painting the Mona Lisa of miniatures. This model is an absolute masterpiece, capturing the majesty and might of the Blood Angels’ Primarch. With his flowing locks, regal armor, and those iconic angelic wings, Sanguinius is a painter’s dream—and nightmare, if you’re a perfectionist.

Tips for Painting Sanguinius:

  1. Wings of Glory: Those wings are a standout feature. Start with a base coat of white, then use a wash to bring out the feather details. Dry brushing can add that extra dimension to make them pop.
  2. Golden Armor: Sanguinius’ armor should shine brighter than the Astronomican. Use a gold base, then layer with shades and highlights to give it that royal gleam. Remember, this is not just any armor; it’s Primarch-level bling.
  3. Face of an Angel: Painting faces can be tricky, but take your time with Sanguinius. Soft highlights and careful shading will make his noble visage stand out.
  4. Blood Drops and Iconography: Pay attention to the Blood Angels symbols. These small details add authenticity and depth to the model.

Sanguinius on the Battlefield: Rules and Gameplay

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Now, let’s talk about how to wield this powerhouse in your Warhammer 40k games. While Sanguinius doesn’t have an official model or rules in the current 40k, he can be represented using the Primarch of the Blood Angels, a proxy model, or by incorporating fan-made rules in narrative games. Here are a few ways to bring him into the fray:

Using Sanguinius in Warhammer 40k Narrative Play:

  1. Primarch Profile: Use a modified version of Guilliman’s profile or another Primarch’s stats as a base. Boost his mobility and give him some Blood Angel-specific abilities to reflect his lore.
  2. Warlord Traits: Sanguinius should have traits that reflect his inspiring presence and martial prowess. Consider traits like “Speed of the Primarch” for added movement or “Lord of Angels” to boost nearby Blood Angels units.
  3. Unique Abilities: Sanguinius should have abilities like “Angel’s Grace,” allowing him to ignore difficult terrain and “Wrath of the Angel,” giving him bonus attacks or damage against Chaos units.

Custom Rules (Not Matched Play Legal):

sanguinius and guiliman 1

Primarch (Sanguinius):

  • Movement: 12”
  • Weapon Skill: 2+
  • Ballistic Skill: 2+
  • Strength: 8
  • Toughness: 6
  • Wounds: 8
  • Attacks: 7
  • Leadership: 10
  • Save: 2+/4++ (Invulnerable)

Special Rules:

  • Wings of Sanguinius: Sanguinius can move across the battlefield with unmatched speed. He can re-roll charge distances and add +2 to his charge rolls.
  • Inspiring Presence: All friendly Blood Angels units within 12″ of Sanguinius gain +1 to their Leadership and can re-roll failed Morale tests.
  • Death Mask: Sanguinius’ death mask strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. At the start of each fight phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 6″. On a 4+, that unit suffers a mortal wound.


  • Blade Encarmine: Melee weapon with the following profile: Strength +2, AP -3, Damage D3. Sanguinius can re-roll wound rolls of 1.
  • The Spear of Telesto: Ranged weapon with the following profile: Range 12″, Assault 2, Strength 8, AP -4, Damage D3.

Playing with Sanguinius in Warhammer 40k: Sanguinius should be used as a high-impact unit, diving into the heart of enemy formations and carving a path of destruction. Use his mobility to outflank enemies and his inspiring presence to bolster your Blood Angels forces. Target high-value enemy units and watch as Sanguinius tears through them with divine fury.

The Legend Lives On

Sanguinius’ legacy is one of heroism, sacrifice, and enduring influence. His life and deeds continue to inspire the Blood Angels and all of humanity within the Warhammer 40k universe. As the Great Angel, Sanguinius embodies the ideals of nobility and courage, serving as a timeless symbol of the Emperor’s vision for humanity.

What do you think about Sanguinius in the Warhammer 40k Universe? Are you going to play Blood Angels now?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!