GW Goes All In On New Previews For Warhammer Day 2024

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Games Workshop is going all in on their Warhammer Day 2024 preview with Chaos gods, and new releases for AoS, 40k, Kill Team, and more.

Every Warhammer fan knows that October means one thing—Warhammer Day! This year, it’s all about Chaos, and with the Great Horned Rat climbing the ladder to sit with the infamous gods of Chaos, this could be a big one! Let’s break down what to expect for Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Legions Imperialis, and Warhammer Underworlds.  So, no matter what you play or collect, there’s plenty to look forward to!

GW Goes All In On New Previews For Warhammer Day 2024

Warhammer Day Preview 2024Warhammer Day just wouldn’t feel right without a mountain of reveals to stir up some excitement, and this year’s online preview is set to deliver. Tune in on Saturday, October 5th at 12 PM EDT to feast your eyes on a buffet of upcoming new releases for Warhammer! It looks like this will have far more than just roadmaps like we saw at the NOVA Open preview. Click any of the links below to jump to the info you need the most, or just dig in from the beginning.

Age of Sigmar: The Great Horned Rat’s Ascension

New AoS Stormcast Models 11Chaos has always been one of the driving forces in the Age of Sigmar, but this year brings something truly special—the Great Horned Rat officially joins the pantheon of Chaos Gods. For Skaven players, this is a monumental moment. Their god, long seen as a mischievous underling, now stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle.

It’s time for the Ratmen to scurry from their tunnels and remind everyone that Chaos isn’t just about bloodlust, deception, or rot—there’s also a healthy dose of backstabbing, plague-spreading rats in the mix. We’ve already seen a whole second wave of release for Skaven, so we’re not sure how much they can come out with. So, GW promised 2024 would also have the 4th Edition Slaves to Darkness models and battletome, and what army is more chaotic than them? We expect to see another wave of Darkoath models and maybe even some refreshes for the normal line.

Warhammer 40,000: A New Front for the Dark Gods?

Warhammer 40k 2025 Roadmap upcoming 40k gamesWarhammer Day wouldn’t be complete without fresh news from the grimdark future. While details are still sparse, the Warhammer Day Preview is guaranteed to reveal some spectacular new models and story developments for Warhammer 40,000. With Chaos being the theme, one has to wonder if we’ll see a new Chaos Space Marine release, or perhaps something for the Daemons?

It’s also worth considering the potential for another major campaign book focusing on the eternal conflict between the Imperium and the forces of Chaos. Let’s not forget the Arks of Omen campaign’s massive success. Could there be more story arcs continuing the epic clashes between Abaddon’s forces and the Imperium? However, the roadmap for 40k only has one tiny hint at chaos (Special Chaos Treats). Maybe we will finally see some of the new promised Death Korps of Krieg miniatures?

Kill Team: Sneaky Chaos Operations?

kill team hivestorm 40k (3)Kill Team has been growing, and we can expect something exciting for Chaos players this Warhammer Day. Kill Team is all about tactical skirmishes, and the forces of Chaos—especially the more subtle factions like Alpha Legion and the Thousand Sons—are perfect for that. With Chaos at the center of this year’s event, we might see new warbands for the more devious (or downright brutal) followers of the Dark Gods. With the new edition here, there is plenty to expect!

Legions Imperialis: Chaos on the Grand Scale

rumors Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battlegroup warhammerLegions Imperialis brings epic battles to the Warhammer universe, and what better way to showcase grand conflict than with a new Chaos faction? Warhammer Day might provide a first look at Chaos forces tearing apart planets at a scale that only Legions Imperialis can capture. With massive Titan battles and world-ending artillery, a Chaos-fueled update could include anything from heretic legions to Daemon Engines storming the battlefield.

The sheer size and scope of Legions Imperialis make it an ideal place to show the true might of Chaos on the grandest of scales. Or will we just see more of the freshly leaked Mechanicum Battle Group?

Warhammer Underworlds: A Chaotic Twist?

Warhammer Day Preview 2024 2Warhammer Underworlds is always a great sandbox for showcasing unique warbands, and the theme of Chaos opens the door to some fascinating possibilities. Whether it’s a band of marauding warriors loyal to Khorne or a twisted cult of Tzeentch, the fast-paced nature of Underworlds could benefit from some unpredictability. Fans will be eager to see how this setting handles the chaotic forces, with likely new mechanics to match the ever-shifting nature of Chaos (we also wouldn’t surprised to see this rat be in Underworlds).

The Commemorative Miniature: Tzarketh, Bane of Law

What’s Warhammer Day without a limited-edition miniature? This year, it’s Tzarketh, Bane of Law. A Chaos Sorcerer radiating the raw power of Chaos, Tzarketh will surely be a prized possession for collectors. We’re still waiting to see the model, but with a name like “Bane of Law,” expect a miniature dripping with menace, from flowing robes to arcane symbols that would make even a Librarian cringe.

Warhammer Day 2024 Preview: Prepare for Chaos!

Warhammer Day Preview 2024 3This year’s Warhammer Day is shaping up to be monumental for Chaos fans. Whether you’re a follower of the Great Horned Rat, a Chaos Space Marine fan, or someone looking to expand their Underworlds collection, the 5th of October is going to be packed with thrilling reveals.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the upcoming Warhammer Day 2024 preview from Games Workshop? What are you hoping to be revealed?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!