Don’t miss these super helpful tips for how to remove dust and fix crazing and frosting from bad matte coat and varnish on your miniatures.
Read MoreHobby Hacks
Easy to understand tutorials and hacks for both beginner and veteran hobby maniacs.
Now that we know Contrast paints are right around the corner for us, take this time to get your models ready with these 3 hobby projects now!
Read MoreAirbrushing may be on the rise, but most hobbyists still use a paint brush exclusively. Check out these Top 3 tips for painting your miniatures by hand.
Read MoreIf you hate the current Adeptus Titancius Command Terminals, check out how easy it is to magnetize them with just a few mouse clicks.
Read MoreCheck out my new converted Nurgle Feculent Gnarlmaw terrain piece. It’s painted using the awesome new toys and infested with spiders!
Read MoreDo you miniatures justice and capture every detail with these photo hacks that, for the most part, are pretty easy to do with a camera phone and some light!
Read MoreAre you a diehard World Eaters fan, but think the Berzerker kits could use a reboot? Check out this kitbashing guide to get those brutes looking custom made!
Read MoreIs playing by ITC rules a lot of bookkeeping? Do you wish there was a way to consolidate everything to one sheet? Look no further, players!
Read MoreHere’s how to take better photos or pictures of your miniatures so you can get the most likes and comments online!
Read MorePrivateer Press just announced their new terrain-building Instagram where you can join them on their terrain making projects for Warmachine and Hordes!
Read MoreBelieve it or not, there are actually few tricks and other things to consider when you prime your miniatures. Read this before you start to paint!
Read More30 years of hobby knowledge are boiled down to six hobby hacks, gift-wrapped, and handed to everyone with a fancy kitty bow! Take a look at these!
Read MoreDon’t miss our thoughts on the best miniature paints out there now that a bottle from GW is almost $5, as we compare the major paint companies side by side.
Read MoreIf you are concerned about GW’s new pricing increase and want to start seeing other paint people, don’t miss these handy reference and conversion charts!
Read MoreAre you new to the hobby and get discouraged when you compare your minis to other people’s? Checkout the 5 things every new hobbyist should hear!
Read MoreGetting Orks painted well for commissions is incredibly easy if you follow a few steps. Take a look at this quick way of getting your Orks ready for battle!
Read MoreWe’re back again to talk to you about quick and easy basing techniques to get your models looking tabletop ready in no time.
Read MoreJack of Clubs is back with another fantastic hobby read. Check out three tips to help anyone become a better painter and keep your head in the right place.
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