Painting Each Space Marines Chapters: How To Tutorials

tutorial-painting-space-marines-title-walCheck out all of these painting tutorials on all the various Space Marines Chapters that can help you get those extra 10 points for having a finished army!

Just about any flavor of Space Marine is good these days. But with all of the different Chapters out there, you have to know the tricks on achieving just the right color schemes. Check out these great tutorials that make painting Space Marines of any color scheme super easy.

Painting Each Space Marines Chapters: HowTo Tutorials



How to Paint Ultramarines Blue: Primaris Tutorial

fs01-brightultramarine-walpaperSlap on the iconic Ultramarine blue paint to these boys in power armor for the tabletop! Check out how to paint Ultramarine Primaris!

Painting Dark Angels Ravenwing Outriders Tutorial

Painting Dark Angels Ravenwing Outriders TutorialLearn how to get your Dark Angels Ravenwing Outriders battle-ready with this awesome painting tutorial from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs Painting.

Painting Primaris: Blood Angels Red Armor Tutorial

blood angels hor walPrimaris Marines are looking hot with the new melee support of Assault Intercessors, to get your Blood Angels Red Armor to stand out, this is the tutorial for you.

Get That Imperial Fist Yellow: Painting Miniatures Tutorial

Imperial fist paintLove Imperial Fists but hate painting miniatures yellow? We have just the tutorial for you! Don’t miss just how easy painting Imperial Fists (or Iyanden) can be!

Easiest Way To Getting a Perfect Black Shade- Iron Hands/Raven Guard

Black armor is easy, right? Well, it can be! Don’t miss Jack of Clubs’ latest tutorial on how to make your Raven Guard or Iron Hands look fantastic in black!

Painting Iron Hands Primaris is Secretly Easy (Another Iron hands Tutorial)

Painting Iron Hands Primaris is Secretly Easy If you didn’t like the tutorial from above you can also check out this one for all of your Iron Hands needs. Take a look at the details.

Painting White is Secretly Easy: White Scars Urban Camo

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White ScarsPainting white isn’t as hard as you think with this tutorial from Kenny at Next Level Painting. Learn how to paint White Scars Space Marines!

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4 Paints That Make Painting Salamanders Secretly Easy

Kenny with Next Level Painting is hooking us up, once again, with a sweet painting tutorial. This time around, it’s for Salamander Space Marines!

Painting Fur & Space Wolves Armor: Ragnar Tutorial

fur-armor-tutorial-ragnar-jack-of-clubsLearn how to paint your Space Wolves Fur and Armor with the latest tutorial on Ragnar himself, from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs Painting.

Black Templars Bladeguard Painting Tutorial

Black Templar Battle ReadyLearn how to get your Black Templars Bladeguard battle-ready with this speed painting tutorial from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs Painting.

Hopefully, these tutorials have helped smooth things out for you!

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