Top 5 New Year’s Hobby Resolutions You Need

By Wesley Floyd | January 17th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Hobby Rants, Warhammer 40k News


Now may be a great time to adopt a hobby resolution or two for the New Year. Check out our top five everyone needs to see!

Nobody’s hobby game is perfect, as some hobbyists have more hangups over others. But we think the new year should be taken in stride to fix one or two of the hobby rough spots that everyone has gone through at some point.

We’ve polled a few local hobbyists for their New Year’s hobby resolutions and here’s what made it to the top five.

5. Play More Games

tabletop players

Life can be hectic. Because of that, you may not have all the time in the world to stop by your local game store and spend the day relaxing with some friends. However, it’s important to set time aside and do what you think is fun. Maybe this year, you should be more active in picking a day out of your week to get in the store and throw your favorite models on the table.

4. Try New Painting Techniques

ocd space marine painting

You won’t grow unless you practice. This applies to beginner painters and long-time veterans alike. Don’t get lazy or discouraged. Experiment with new painting techniques and see how you like them. Worst case scenario, you just got practice at thinning your paints and mixing colors.

Airbushing may be a good start for you in trying new things! You can even go for the more unorthodox methods and weather your models with hairspray!

3. Paint all of Your Models

Black Coach Top D Giveaway & LIVE Painting 9pm Tonight

Bottom line, nobody likes seeing plastic models on the table. There’s a grace period from when you get the models to finishing them that other gamers tend to understand. (You can’t just paint an army overnight). However, you shouldn’t be that player that’s been in the hobby for years and doesn’t have a single drop of paint on a model. It doesn’t do the minis or yourself justice to keep them grey. Set some time aside and paint one model at a time. Take it in little chunks.

If you are new to the hobby and are nervous to actually put paint on your models, check out these tutorials for beginners. There’s a ton out there so look at the lessons that go with your army!

2. Play the Army you Want to Play

When you got into the game, you might have taken someone’s advice and realized that there’s an army out there that you’d rather be playing. Take that step and move into that faction! Don’t sit on an army you have no desire to play. You can easily trade someone or sell everything on eBay to rack up enough $$$ to start piecing together exactly what you want.

Start Collecting boxes are a great place to start for a building block in your faction.

1. Put all Your Models Together Before you Buy More

aos start collecting box sets

Some of you probably have boxes and boxes full of unopened minis. Sadly, it’s more common than you think it is and we’ve all been there at some point. To prevent this, try buying one or two boxes at a time and promising yourself that you won’t buy anything else until they get put together. If boxes start to stack up, it’ll actually mess up your motivation and you won’t want to ever do it. Plus, you’ll be saving money by not dropping serious cash on plastic you won’t use.

If you start to have too many armies piling up, perhaps selling an army off that you don’t play as much, before starting a new one would be the way to go.

With the new year just starting, keep your hobby game strong. Make some improvements this year and see how far you’ve come when you look back next year! Which resolution do you want to pick up for your hobby game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.