Mechanicum Battle Group Revealed for Legions Imperialis

legions imperialis mechanicum battlegroup

Games Workshop revealed the new Mechanicum Battle Group for Legions Imperialis—Tech-thralls, automata, and more await to dominate your next epic-scale battle!

Mechanicum Battle Group Revealed for Legions Imperialis

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle GroupThe galaxy has always been a place of war, and during the Horus Heresy, even the stoic forge worlds couldn’t stay on the sidelines. Once the Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia beckoned, the mechanized masses of the Mechanicum, armed with terrifying automata and arcane technology, threw themselves into the fray. Now, these mechanical marvels have arrived in Legions Imperialis in a massive boxed set, sure to make both hobbyists and strategists alike rub their hands in anticipation. (plus, it looks like the leaks about the box were all true.) Let’s look at the core units of the Mechanicum Battle Group and the sheer mechanical mayhem they bring to the table.

Adsecularis Tech-thralls – The Disposable Horde

Imagine the assembly lines of forge worlds churning out millions of mindless, soulless bodies, stripped of will and individuality—this is the fate of the Tech-thralls. These unfortunate souls serve as cannon fodder for the Mechanicum’s war machine. While they’re not the toughest or deadliest of warriors, they fill the ranks in massive numbers, clogging the battlefield with their shambling forms. You might say their primary job is to absorb enemy fire, which they do in droves. In game terms, their role is pretty clear: cheap, plentiful, and very expendable. Think of them as the ultimate meat shield, minus the meat.

Thallax Cohorts – Lightning in a Jar

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle Group 2If you need a durable force to lay down some brutal firepower, the Thallax are your guys—well, more like your half-men, half-lightning death-machines. These cybernetic warriors are suspended in electro-magnetic harnesses, capable of ripping through both armor and flesh with equal disregard. Armed with energy weapons and sporting extra durability, they’re your go-to units for punching holes in enemy lines. There’s a reason Thallax were once human, but after being transformed into walking batteries of death, they’re about as far from humanity as you can get.

Ursarax – The Fist of the Forge

Where the Thallax bring firepower, the Ursarax bring brutal, up-close violence. Created for close-quarters combat, these hulking creatures pummel their enemies with devastating power fists and lightning claws. If you’re looking to crack open Astartes armor like a tin can, Ursarax are the shock troops you’ll want barreling down on your enemies. Of course, they’re not quite as durable as their Thallax cousins, but when they get stuck in, they tend to leave quite the bloody mess.

Myrmidons – Walking Artillery

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle Group 3The Myrmidon Destructors and Secutors are where the Mechanicum’s penchant for ludicrous firepower really shines. Destructors specialize in long-range annihilation, leveling anything in their sights, while Secutors take a more measured approach with mid-range firepower. Both are walking arsenals, heavily armored and brimming with exotic weaponry. If it explodes, incinerates, or electrocutes, chances are a Myrmidon has it.

Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Group: Castellax, Thanatar, and Domitar – The Automata Wrecking Crew

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle Group 4These automata are the heavy lifters of the Mechanicum. The Castellax are your main battle-line robots, combining decent speed with solid firepower. Then there’s the Thanatar, a lumbering siege unit with devastating bombardment capabilities—imagine a walking artillery cannon that refuses to take no for an answer. Domitar, on the other hand, brings some flexibility, able to handle both ranged and melee engagements with a certain robotic flair.

Vorax and Arlatax – The Exotic Engines of Destruction

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle Group 5Vorax are the Mechanicum’s answer to fast attack units, scurrying across the battlefield with alarming speed and ripping through weaker enemies like a chainsaw through butter. The Arlatax, though rarer, are even more dangerous. Hailing from the forge world of Xana II, these automata boast devastating close-range weapons that can turn even the most hardened enemy into molten slag.

Vultarax and Triaros – Sky and Ground Domination

Legions Imperialis Mechanium Battle Group 6The Vultarax Stratos-automata serve as the Mechanicum’s eyes in the skies, delivering precision strikes where needed while evading ground-based threats. Meanwhile, the Triaros Conveyors are armored transports that ensure your units make it to the front lines in one piece. With a heavily armored shell, the Triaros can shrug off significant firepower while deploying its precious cargo directly into the heart of battle.

Final Thoughts on the Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Group

So there you have it, the Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Group—a finely tuned symphony of destruction, equal parts cold calculation and raw firepower. This new boxed set brings the mechanized fury of the forge worlds right to your tabletop. With units ranging from the cannon-fodder Tech-thralls to the thunderous Thanatars, there’s something for every type of tactician—whether you prefer overwhelming force or surgical precision.

Now the only question left is: do you prefer your battle automata loyal or just a bit… darker (yes, GW did mention Dark Mechanicum)?

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What do you think about the new Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Group?