How To Be Brave: Airbrushing 101

Welcome back hobby maniacs!  Today Kenny from Next Level Painting is here to show us some tricks for braving the transition between airbrush and paint brush!

Sometimes navigating the transition between airbrushing and hand brushing can be a rough road to travel requiring great leaps of faith when applying the paint.  Today Kenny is walking us through a few of the things he does that require some leaps of faith when painting.

Today Kenny is working on a the Sylvaneth Drycha Hamadreth from Age of Sigmar.  He’s already done much of the highlighting on the red skin, so today were focusing on the honeycomb sections.  First up is a glaze mixture of dark rust and rust yellow.

Brown Glaze

Once the first glaze is dry, Kenny mixes up a glaze consisting solely of Rust Yellow.

Yellow GlazeNext up is some really tricky airbrushing.  Kenny applies a series of increasingly bright yellow highlights to the center of the honeycombs.  This is a step where you need to be very careful to avoid overspray on the already completed red skin tones.
Airbrush Highlight

Lastly Kenny carefully applies a mixture of brown and black washes to the edge of the honeycomb and to each individual recess.  This darkens the honeycombs and brings out the outlines.

Wash Shade

Check out the whole tutorial below!