Shockingly Easy – How To Paint The Electro-Priests

By Joshua Dunkerly | July 28th, 2015 | Categories: Adeptus Mechanicus, How To Tutorial

admech wlapaper

Hello everyone, Josh here again with another painting tutorial. Today I’m going to explain how to paint your Electro-Priests.

To start I will once again be using the games workshop paint range.

For the First step the paints you will need are as follows.
1. Leadbelcher
2. Nuln Oil
3. Iron Breaker

Now to start you will want to paint all the metal parts up. For the electro-priests this is there backpack, gauntlets, and crown. Put down a nice basecoat of Leadbelcher over all these areas. Then wash the whole model in nuln oil. Once the nuln oil is dry go ahead and drybrush overtop this with Iron breaker.


Now you will need
1. Brass Scorpion
2. Agrax Earthshade
3. Runefang Steel

After the first layer of metal is done you will want to refine it to make it more real looking. This is also the time you will want to add in the brass. Go around the model and pick out all the areas you want to be brass and paint them in Brass Scorpion. Once you have picked out everything you want brass wash the whole model in Agrax Earthshade. Then finish off the metal by drybrushing the whole thing Runefang steel. Be light with this layer of drybrushing as you dont want to drown out the colors you already put on.


Next up is the flesh for this you will want several colors they are as follows.
1. Kislev Flesh
2. Druchii Violet
3. Flayed One Flesh
4. Pallid Wych Flesh

To start the skin lay down a nice basecoat of Kislev flesh. Now wash all the fleshy areas Druchii Violet. After the wash is dry highlight all the muscles with Kislev flesh again. Now go back over the areas that you just highlighted Kislev and paint them flayed one flesh leaving just the edges still Kislev. Now do the same thing with the Pallid Wych Flesh leaving just the edges flayed one. dont mind if you hit an area your going to paint later you can see I hit the robes with the flesh color but theres no reason to touch it up as it will be painted over in the next step.


For the next step youll need these paints.
1. Macragge Blue
2. Teclis Blue
3. Baharroth Blue

Start by painting the robes in a basecoat of Macragge Blue. Using the technique of wet blending you walk the color from Macragge Blue at the darkest points up to Teclis blue at its highest. Once you are happy with the blending go around and highlight all the creases and edges on the robe Baharroth Blue.


After this all that is left is the detail work. For the admech symbols you can use Abaddon Black and Pallid Wych Flesh. Then do the scroll. For this start with Ushabti Bone, wash it Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with Pallid Wych Flesh.


Well That’s it you have now painted your own Admech Electro-priest. Until next time continue painting and as always have fun!!!