Master Miniature Painting with Vallejo Paint Conversion Charts for Citadel & Army Painter


Effortlessly switch between Vallejo, Citadel, and Army Painter using paint conversion charts; grab Vallejo acrylic, air paint, and color charts for perfect matches.

Make Painting Simple With the Vallejo Paint Conversion Charts for Citadel & Army Painter

Vallejo Game color Range featureIf you’ve been around the miniature painting scene, you’ve probably heard of Vallejo paints. Whether you’re painting Space Marines in power armor or ancient Roman legions, Vallejo’s versatile range of acrylics has become the trusted companion for painters worldwide.

But there’s one universal truth every miniature painter knows: you always run out of the exact shade you need right in the middle of painting an epic centerpiece. Enter the paint conversion chart, the unsung hero of your hobby desk.

Whether you’re swapping between Vallejo, Citadel, or Army Painter, a conversion chart is essential for keeping your armies looking consistent. From color matching to finding that sweet equivalent shade, these charts make sure your army doesn’t end up looking like a rainbow accident.

If you’re on the hunt for a Vallejo acrylic paint conversion chart, you’re in the right place. And let’s not forget the specialized Vallejo air paint conversion chart for your airbrush warriors out there.

Vallejo Acrylic Paint Conversion Chart: How to Convert Colors Across Brands

Why You Need a Vallejo Paint Conversion Chart

Vallejo Game color Range 3Imagine this: you’re in the middle of painting your prized miniature army, the perfect shade of armor just starting to take shape, when you open your paint pot and realize it’s bone dry. Do you scream into the void?

Nah. You grab your trusty Vallejo acrylic paint conversion chart, because no one’s stopping your painting marathon just because a pot of paint betrayed you.

In the world of miniature painting, consistency is king. When you’ve spent hours meticulously shading, highlighting, and basing your army, the last thing you want is for one unit to look wildly different from the rest because you had to switch paint brands mid-project.

That’s where paint conversion charts save the day. They let you swap out a Vallejo color for its Citadel or Army Painter counterpart without anyone ever knowing. It’s like sneaking in a substitute without missing a beat.

For those working on large projects, where color consistency across dozens of miniatures is crucial, a conversion chart is your secret weapon. Whether you’re sticking to the Vallejo range for its dropper bottles or trying out Citadel’s new shades, cross-brand harmony is just a chart away.

Converting Vallejo to Citadel and Army Painter

Now, let’s get into the juicy details of converting Vallejo to Citadel and Army Painter paints. Whether you started your army with Citadel’s iconic pots or have a random selection of Army Painter’s quick-dry paints, these conversions will help you swap between brands like a pro.

Vallejo to Citadel Paint Conversion

gw to vallejo conversion chart

gw to vallejo conversion chartgw to vallejo conversion chartWe all know Citadel has some famous colors in the miniature world, and sometimes you just need the Vallejo equivalent. For example, take “Averland Sunset,” that rich golden yellow used for Space Marines and any miniature that demands a regal, warm tone.

If your Citadel pot has mysteriously dried out (as they tend to do), look no further than Vallejo’s “Gold Yellow.” Not only does it match perfectly, but with Vallejo’s dropper bottles, you’ll never waste a single drop.

And it’s not just yellow. Vallejo’s Game Color and Model Color ranges have you covered for nearly every Citadel hue. “Leadbelcher,” Citadel’s go-to metallic, is a quick match with Vallejo’s “Gunmetal Grey.” You won’t even miss a beat when switching brands—except maybe the satisfaction of not having to pop open that pesky Citadel lid.

The conversion chart really shines when you need consistent color across your collection. Maybe you’re working on an entire chapter of Space Marines, and a Citadel shade runs out halfway through.

Simply cross-check the chart and grab your Vallejo equivalent. Your army stays cohesive, your minis look sharp, and you don’t have to make an emergency run to the store.

Vallejo to Army Painter Paint Conversion

vallejo to games workshop color conversion chartvallejo to games workshop color conversion chart 2Army Painter’s line is famous for being quick, efficient, and great for batch painting—perfect for those massive hoards of orcs, goblins, or Zombicide minis. But let’s say you’ve got your heart set on a Vallejo color, and Army Painter isn’t cutting it. Time to consult the chart again!

A classic match-up would be Army Painter’s “Daemonic Yellow.” If you’re all out of that bright, fiery yellow, you can easily swap it with Vallejo’s “Orange Fire.” Sure, it’s technically an orange, but in practice, it matches up just as well, especially if you’re painting flames or something equally intense. Similarly, Army Painter’s “Necrotic Flesh” has a neat match in Vallejo’s “Pale Green,” keeping those ghoulish tones intact.

Need to shade some worn-out leather or grimy cloth? Army Painter’s “Leather Brown” can be seamlessly replaced with Vallejo’s “Flat Earth.” Same tone, same earthy vibe, and no one will know you jumped ship to another brand.

Understanding Vallejo Paints: An Overview

Game color Range 2Vallejo Game Color: Bright and Vibrant for Fantasy and Sci-Fi Models

Get your Game Color Paints Here!

Let’s talk Game Color—Vallejo’s gift to those who thrive on the battlefield of neon and bright pigments. If you’re painting Eldar warriors that look like they stepped out of a rave or Space Marines with that perfect shade of battle-hardened blue, Game Color is your go-to.

Designed specifically for sci-fi and fantasy miniatures, these paints are bold, vibrant, and ready to make your minis pop on the tabletop.

Game Color isn’t just about looking good—it’s formulated to go on smooth, dry fast, and resist all that chipping that can happen when you’re rolling dice with vigor. And with Vallejo’s handy dropper bottles, you’re not sacrificing half the paint to the abyss of a palette.

Vallejo Air Paint: Pre-thinned for Easy Airbrushing

Get your Air Paints Here!

Air PaintIf you’re into airbrushing, you know that thinning paints can sometimes feel like chemistry class. Luckily, Vallejo’s Air Paint line is here to rescue you. These paints are pre-thinned and ready to go straight into your airbrush—no more guesswork or accidental paint floods.

Vallejo Air provides smooth coverage, making it ideal for large-scale models like tanks, dragons, or maybe even that massive Eldar Titan you’ve been eyeing. Air paints not only save you time but also ensure consistency in application, which is crucial when you’re painting big pieces that need to look flawless.

Vallejo Xpress: When Speed is King

Get your Xpress Paints Here!

Xpress ColorWhen speed is the name of the game for painting multiple minis, Xpress Color is the go-to. These matte colors are made specifically for quick and easy miniature painting.

The magic lies in their excellent capillarity, letting the paint flow smoothly over the surface, settling in the crevices for deeper shadows while highlighting the raised areas—all in just one coat.

For best results, use Xpress Color on a white or grey primed surface, where it naturally creates bright highlights, rich mid-tones, and dark shadows. Versatile as ever, it works great for glazing, blending transitions, or soft shading when layered over other colors. Plus, you can mix Xpress Colors together or thin them with Xpress Medium to craft custom shades.

How to Use Vallejo Paint Conversion Charts for Consistent Miniature Painting

Vallejo Game color RangeTips for Using Vallejo Paint Conversion Charts Efficiently

Let’s be honest: trying to match colors between different paint brands can feel like deciphering a code written by an ancient civilization. But with a Vallejo paint conversion chart, you can make this process as smooth as blending that perfect gradient on your Eldar warrior’s armor.

If you’re new to these magical documents—or if you’ve been using them but want to get more out of them—here’s how to use Vallejo paint conversion charts like a pro.

First, when comparing colors between Vallejo, Citadel, and Army Painter, always remember that no two brands match 100%. Different companies use unique pigment formulas, which means some shades might be close cousins, but not identical twins.

Vallejo’s “Gold Yellow” might match Citadel’s “Averland Sunset” in broad daylight, but under your painting lamp, you might notice subtle differences. The key is to check the chart, find the closest match, and, if necessary, tweak the shade with a little mixing.

The chart also helps with switching back and forth between brands during big projects. If you’re halfway through painting your Space Marines and run out of Citadel paint, the conversion chart saves you from panic-buying. Just find the Vallejo equivalent and keep rolling those brushstrokes.

Also, don’t forget to test the colors first. Grab an old sprue or a piece of paper, throw down the color, and see how it looks. You’ll thank yourself for not making that color change right in the middle of a key model.

Storing and Organizing Your Paint Collection with Conversion Charts

Game Range 6Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to use conversion charts, it’s time to get organized. There’s nothing worse than hunting for that one bottle of “Olive Drab” or realizing you already own three bottles of “Black Metal” because you forgot you bought it last month. Organization is your ally in the world of miniature painting.

A simple Excel spreadsheet or a painting app can make tracking your collection painless. Create columns for the paint brand, color name, and its equivalents in other brands. You can even get fancy and add columns for things like finish (gloss, matte) or whether it’s a base or highlight color.

This way, when you need to cross-reference colors between Vallejo, Citadel, and Army Painter, it’s as simple as scrolling down your list.

Some painters swear by apps like PaintRack or MiniPaints, which not only let you track your collection but also let you store your conversion data right on your phone. This way, when you’re at your local hobby store or shopping online, you’ll know exactly what you have—and more importantly, what you still need.

Wrapping Up the Vallejo Air & Colors Paint Conversion Charts for Every Project

vallejo xpress color bottlesWhy Vallejo Paints are a Great Choice for Miniature Painters

So, why do miniature painters love Vallejo? Simple. Vallejo paints offer consistency, versatility, and value. Whether you’re airbrushing a massive diorama or painting the intricate details of a single mini, Vallejo’s range is unmatched.

Their paints come in dropper bottles (no more drying out after two uses!), are easily blendable, and, most importantly, cover every possible color you could ever need—especially when you factor in the conversion chart.

With Vallejo, you get the best of all worlds: vibrant pigments, historical accuracy, and the ability to switch between brands with ease, thanks to the Vallejo paints color chart. So, grab that chart, organize your paints, and keep your painting projects consistent and stunning across the board!

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What do you think about the Vallejo acrylic paint, game color, and air conversion charts?