WarmaHordes Newbie: New Player Week 3

By Travis Perkins | October 17th, 2016 | Categories: Hordes, How To Tutorial, Warhammer 40k Army Lists

Start Playing WarmaHordes: Newbie Player Week 1

It’s our third week exploring WarmaHordes and Travis is here to give us the rundown! His Trollblood army is keeping up with the Jones’ so we don’t have to!

Week 3 came and went in a blur and like I thought I did not manage to get a game in or much painting. I did however manage to finish up the Slag Troll, which I have to say is one of the easiest models I have painted to date. (It’s a good thing!) He is mostly skin with some iron sticking out of him and he has a weird loin cloth made of rusted metal plated, that’s it! So once you have the skin tone done, you just paint the iron and your 95% done. The yellow turned out better than I thought it would which makes me want to try it again on something that is not skin.

slag troll

I ended up doing Averland Sunset over black primer then the Casandora Yellow shade. After that I used Yuerl Yellow and though it was a bit too bright so I thinned done some Casandora Yellow shade and went over it again. After that I highlighted with Flash Gitz Yellow and left it at that. Then I went rust effect on the loin cloth armor thing and all the bits of metal and iron ore he has sticking out of him. After that was painting a bone color on his fingernails, toenails, and teeth along with the inside of his mouth. The final touch was to paint the purple on his head and the warts on his chin, along with two points for his eyes. So pretty happy though I still have not really touched Ragnar which as he is the leader I probably should get on it….


Purchases again I kind of slacked off again, I had some items I was watching but failed to get the winning bid on. I did however pick up a unit of 10 Fennblades because Scottish trolls with giant swords Braveheart style speaks to me. The person selling it bought the two player battlebox with Skorne and Trollbloods and was looking to sell the Trollbloods. So I managed to get the 10 Fennblades for 25 dollars. I plan on trying to get the solo unit of a Fennblade Kithkar and the Fennblade drummer and officer. That will max out the cost of the unit at 23 points which is a good chunk of points. Right now the full unis of Fennblades + Slag Troll is 25 points I need for week 3.


Which brings me to something else I learned is that you should really read your FLGS journeyman’s Facebook post closely. In it they say there are putting in two off weeks to allow people to catch up points wise and get some extra games in, which really helps to be honest. 6 weeks to build 75 can hurt the wallet a little bit so this will help me get caught up painting (maybe that’s a lot of Scottish trolls). They are also doing a painting competition where you can submit either 1 model or 1 unit painted during the 8 weeks. I love this, encouraging players to paint their armies is something that needs to be done at more FLGS. There is nothing better that seeing two fully (well painted) armies on that tabletop, rather than primed models or models dipped in paint on the table. It really adds to the experience when you take out that sweet looking monster, or your fully painted grim and dirty chaos warriors charge head first into a sparkling line of high elves. Also I wish more stores would offer a terrain completion or reward, playing on the same stuff over and over again can get stale and having the players bring terrain in for store play would be a way to get people involved in the store… Almost investing in gaming there long term.


So goals this week, figure out how units work, going to read and reread up on this and hopefully get a game in… Depends if I can schedule something outside of the weekend. Next is getting models ordered for the next point jump, I am hoping to find the following models: Horgle Ironstrike and a Pyre Troll to round out my light warbeasts and help with fury management. Then the officer and drummer and kithkar to complement my fennblades…. That being said if I find a really good deal on something else I will go with those because I loved a good deal!

So Week 3:

  • Total cost 73, (total points 30 from warlock, then army is 25)
  • 4 miniatures done 11 unpainted – working on Ragnor
  • 2 games played 0 wins (need to get some games in)
  • Status: I got Scottish trolls which makes me happy

In case you missed them, here’s Week One & Week Two!!


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