How Big is it? Arkanaut Frigate Unboxing & Review

By Juan Lopez | April 24th, 2017 | Categories: Kharadron Overlords

Kharadron Overlords Frigate

One of several Kharadron Overlords units being released, the Arkanaut Frigate will be essential to ruling the skies. Come take a peek at this beauty!

Today we are unboxing the Arkanaut Frigate kit which comes with a guide, bits on two sprues, a base, and a flight stand. Pieces are highly detailed and with very little imperfections. The actual hull of the ship is around the size of a Rhino in comparison.

Arkanaut Frigate

The Arkanaut Frigate has a variable move mechanic with 14 wounds, 5+ save, and 7 bravery. It comes with three missile weapons and one melee weapon and weapon damage decreases based on the amount of wounds sustained by the frigate.

Arkanaut Frigate

Arkanaut Frigate: $100

Kharadron Frigate

The Arkanaut Frigate represents centuries of refinement by the shipwrights of the Endrineers Guild. In its design, a balance was struck between speed, transport capacity and firepower to create a versatile craft that could serve as the mainstay for the airfleets. With its sleek hull and powerful buoyancy endrin, the Arkanaut Frigate is fast and powerful enough to escape the gravitational drag of a density hole, while retaining enough firepower to level a city should the need arise.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Arkanaut Frigate. Smaller than an Ironclad, larger than a Gunhauler, it dominates the skies by means of its dirigible and is covered in weaponry – a heavy skycannon or skyhook as a front-facing main weapon, with aethershot carbines, grudgesettler bombs, skymines and detonation drills attached to the hull, with belaying valves for ramming-speed assaults.

A huge ancestor figurehead glares balefully from the prow, and the duardin crew is appropriately detailed – a captain stands before the instruments and wheel, a navigator perches in the crow’s nest, sextant aloft and an endrinrigger wields an oil can and hammer, fervently replacing rivets and lubricating components to keep the Frigate skyward. Most of these details can be modelled on the frigate in different ways; there’s plenty of space on the side of the hull to name the ship. Paint it on in duardin runes for authenticity!

This kit comes as 88 components and includes a Citadel 120mm Oval base, with  a 50mm ball and socket flying stem.

Also, be sure to check out our first look video of the Kharadron Arkanaut Frigate! Our follow up video on tips and tactics for the Kharadron Overlords is coming soon!

For more information on this beautiful frigate and all things Warhammer, visit Games Workshop!