Slaanesh and Khorne are getting new models too it seems in the Wrath and Rapture box. Take a look at the latest word on these two Chaos factions!
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The biggest baddest Age of Sigmar dragon is here, and we show you how to build a 2,000 point army with Khorne’s Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok!
Read MoreGW has a habit of putting factions on the backburner, with Marines always getting the cool toys. Here are our ideas on some updates for Chaos!
Read MoreContinuing along our summoner’s war series, we are going to look at what makes the blood god Khorne tick. Here’s a hint, it’s blood.
Read MoreToday we’re going to be taking a look at the cards for Magore’s Fiends and some Tips & Tactics to using for this warband in your next match.
Read MoreWarhammer TV just previewed over 20 of the upcoming cards in the new Magore’s Fiends and Fastriders expansions for Shadespire.
Read MoreToday we’re getting a look at a pic of what appears to be the product announcement for the upcoming Khorne and Stormcast warbands with their release date!
Read MoreReady for more Jstove? Well, he is back with a little message from daddy Khorne himself on 5 tips for dealing with the Tau.
Read MoreToday we’re getting a look at one amazing Khorne Cosplay and the Blood God is smiling inside. You’re not going to want to miss this!
Read MoreGMM studios have another amazing army showcase, this time featuring warriors of Khorne. Take a look at this amazing display board and fantastic models aptly named the Mountain of Madness!
Read MoreSkulltaker or U’Zuhl is a Bloodletter Champion of Khorne who always seeks out the mightiest of the enemy’s warriors, so that he may confront his chosen opponent.
Read MoreAn’ggrath the Unbound, the Guardian of the Throne of Skulls, Most Favoured of Khorne, Lord of Bloodthirsters and the Deathbringer is the mightiest Bloodthirster.
Read MoreDoombreed the Skull Lord is a mighty Daemon Prince of Khorne, said by some to be older and more powerful than even the Daemon Primarchs.
Read MoreGames Workshop is kicking off the new year with a teaser for the Daemons of Khorne. Come take a look at some of the rules from the new Chaos Daemons codex.
Read MoreThere’s a new rumor floating around saying Leman Russ will be coming back in 2018, but as a Daemon primarch. Come check it out!
Read MoreLet’s take a look at the cards for Garrek’s Reavers from the Shadespire core set and what tactics to use for this warband.
Read MoreThere’s another wild rumor floating around now that Daemons, Space Wolves, Khorne, and Eldar are next in line for new models. But can we believe it?
Read MoreIf you were a Khorne Berserker, you have to decide whats scarier: dying by the enemies’ hands or dying by Kharn’s! Take a look at this terrifying conversion!
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