Ordus Station 3D Terrain Kickstarter Funded In 2 Hours!

Ordus FeatureThe Ordus Station Kickstarter has been funded and hitting all kinds of stretch goals. It is packed with some great 3D Printable terrain for any sci-fi game.

Been looking for some terrain for your sci-fi based games lately? The new Ordus Terrain Kickstarter has you covered with some incredible pieces. You can use it as a giant centerpiece or break it up across the battlefield. And it makes a great backdrop for small games and large.

The pieces are interchangeable and are the perfect height for most game systems. Terrain plays a huge part in the new edition, so now’s the time to get some new stuff! Let’s take a closer look at what you get when you back the project.

Ordus Station Kickstarter


Ordus StationThere are a ton of different support levels, but each one gets you some really awesome terrain. This is an example of how you can connect your pieces. And since you love terrain, go see what else is happening with it.

Ordus Station colorthe marines have that poor heretic cornered! The pieces are perfect for the new 40k.

Hiding MarinesDark and mysterious dealings happen at night. That’s also when the Marines strike and bring down the enemies of the Emperor!

A Closer Look

Ordus WallsYou can see just how detailed this stuff really is! Stop using random household items and up your games this year. If you’re going to paint your army, might as well have cool terrain to go along with them.

All the TerrainThat’s a ton of stuff! It is all based around a newfound off-world colony. A perfect place for a battle in the Grimdark of the future.

Quad PicWhen it’s painted up this stuff really looks amazing on the tabletop! Let’s hear what they have to say about the terrain.

The customizable facility includes a range of detailed, sci-fi structures & modular habs that feature futuristic connecting airlocks, computer consoles, industrial piping and ventilation, blast doors, hatches, rivets, cables and much more.  Structures can be joined in any order for a unique set-up such as a sprawling, interconnected colony or smaller, individual buildings.

The interlocking walls and gates can be fitted together in numerous configurations as the pieces have a variety of height and length.  The removable gates include a laser fence, boom gate, and doors.  No clips or fiddly pieces required.

3D printed terrain is the perfect addition to any table. This 3D printable set is designed for 28 – 32mm miniatures but also works scaled down to 15mm.  It is compatible with games such as Warhammer 40,000, Infinity, Kill Team, Star Wars Legion, Necromunda, Fallout Wasteland, etc.  

They are ready to print on your home printer and have been optimized for FDM printers such as the Ender 3.  The prints have been tested and do not require supports or clean up, making the journey from print to table uncomplicated.

That does it for this awesome Kickstarter. Don’t miss out on some incredible new terrain- let’s see how many of the stretch goals they can hit!

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