4 New Sets of 40k Kill Team Octarius FAQs are Here

Kill-team-FAQ OctariusYou knew it wouldn’t be long before the 40k Kill Team: Octarius FAQs would come down for both Ocatrius and the core rules themselves.

Games Workshop released an FAQ for all four books including the Kommandos, Veteran Guardsmen, Compendium, and Core Rules. If you want to see everything for yourself, you can download all four (well six with the designer’s commentary as well) of them, you can here.

We’ll cover some of the big changes here for you, but since there is so much, we won’t take a look at everything. If you’ve been enjoying the game, it’s always good to know what’s changing! Let’s take a closer look.

The 40k Kill Team: Octarius FAQs are Here

Kill Team Octarius FAQThis is pretty much what to expect in the Compendium FAQ. With some minor changes to different units, clearing up of wording, and making the teams a little easier to read. Tons of factions are grabbing little changes like this. So be sure to check it out for what’s changing.

Kill Team Octarius FAQ 2The Core rules Errata is very small with only a few corrections, the Designer’s Commentary however has a lot in it. A lot of it is structured around cover and line of sight, which is kind of confusing. The movement is still a little strange, but this also helps clear that up.

Kill Team Octarius FAQ 3This is the whole Ork FAQ right here. Nothing too crazy but adding Leader to the Nob is obviously a very good change.

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Kill Team Octarius FAQ 4Again, the Guard one is pretty small but with some good changes, especially the changes to both BS profiles. So nothing too crazy, but god to know what’s changing with the game and the Designer’s Commentary really helps with some of the more confusing points.

Download the FAQ Here

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