40k’s Kill Team Expansion Box Set Value Savings $$

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40k’s Kill Team and expansions are right around the corner this week. Check out how much hobby $$$ you can save on all the kits that are coming soon!

Kill Team is going to be exploding onto the scene with it’s starter set along with some expansions immediately after. We’re looking at about eleven different boxes that will be dropping total in the next two weeks. Today, we’ll be getting a closer look at the terrain inside those boxes along with the projected value, with the prices are coming directly from Games Workshop’s website.

In case you were wondering what the total value of the starter set looked like, we’ve got it all right here for you. If you also missed our Faction Focus preview of all the Kill Teams, be sure to check it out as there is tons to be excited about as well!

40k’s Kill Team Expansion Box Set Value Savings $$

Let’s dive in and look at what we’re getting inside the boxes along with what all it will cost to play Kill Team this go around:

Overall it looks like each box has some decent value to it. However, the terrain in the boxes is where you really seem to get the biggest bang for your buck. So with that being said, let ‘s look at the big starter box first (courtesy of Games Workshops website)

Kill Team Core Game $130

KT box set

GW was clever when they posted the pictures on their website. They don’t show the sprues of the terrain in the box and don’t call it a part of any of the other terrain kits.

But what is the true value of this starter set itself? Let’s start by going down the list

  • Kill Team Core Manual $40
  • Squad of 10 Skitarii (Rangers or Vanguard)  $40
  • Squad of 5 Genestealer Acolyte Hybrids $40
  • Folding game board $?
  • Kill Team Cards $15 ea. (minus 15 blank cards)
  • Exclusive universal tactics deck  $?
  • Dice and Rulers $?
  • Varied set of Imperial Terrain  $136

So if that is the case, and the “varied set of Imperial Ruins ends up being as far as we can tell two Administratum sets, a half a set of Ruins, and one sprue from the Basilicanum set.

That’s nearly $136 MSRP of terrain value in a $130 box set plus what looks to be an $18ish value for the Basilicanum sprue.

Total Value Estimate:  $271 plus other components

Sprue Chart

reddit sprue chart

This pic’s original posting is unknown but it has been making its rounds on the internet.

It looks like Games Workshop is making five different terrain “sets” off of six sprues total. The only thing that’s changing is the number and type of sprues between each box. This should give you a clearer idea of what comes inside the kits you’ve been thinking about snatching up.

Fast forward to next week and we have the following releases enroute:

Kill Zone- Sector Munitorum $80

kt sector munitorum New 40k Kill Team Expansion Set Pics SPOTTED

Another Kill Zone has been spotted called the Munitorum. Barrels, crates, and cargo containers litter the play area. Cranes and tight corners may be a hazard or an advantage to you and your Kill Team so plan ahead and use the terrain against your opponent. This looks very similar to the Mechanicum Kill Zone we’ve seen (below). Could the prices between the two Kill Zones be more than likely be the same?

  • Munitorum Armored Containers X2 $50
  • Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Servohaulers $40
  • Munitorum playmat $?

Total estimated terrain value $140

Kill Zone Sector- Mechanicus $80

kill team killzone 2

  • Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic Incinerator $60 
  • Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack $50
  • Thermic Plasma Conduits $35
  • Mechanicus Playmat $?

Total estimated terrain value: $145 

Kill Team- Drop Force Imperator $50

KT guard

We’ve talked about the Astra Militarum in our Kill Team post earlier. But this is a box set with 5 Guardsmen, some terrain that looks like it goes with the Munitorum and datasheets.

  • 5-man Tempestus Scion squad $35
  • Munitorum Armored Containers $35 (Based of GW’s pricing trends for less than full kits)

Total estimated value: $65

Kill Team- Writhing Shadow $50

kt genestealer

Eight Genestealers are coming in their own box called The Writhing Shadow. The same terrain that comes in the Scion Kill Team box will be in here as well.

  • Unit of Genestealers $30
  • Munitorum Armored Containers $35 (Based of GW’s pricing trends for less than full kits)

Total estimated value: $65

With Kill Team getting ready to drop the motherload of releases, we finally have a better idea of the value coming inside of every box. There is a crazy amount of value in every single expansion. So with that being said, Which one will you be buying? What do you think of these latest previews? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

Latest coverage on everything coming to Kill Team