KT Commanders Changing the Small-Point 40k Game

By Wesley Floyd | September 27th, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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With the preview of Kill Team Commanders, it got us thinking…Is Kill Team starting to become a small-point 40k game? Check it out.

If you haven’t heard, Kill Team Commanders are coming to the skirmish game we love. They’ll be independent characters that put off aura effects, have specialized traits and more.

But will the hinder the game everyone has grown to love over the summer, more than they help it?

Characters in 40k

gabriel seth battle

If you didn’t know it, characters in 40k are capable of killing squads by themselves in close combat. Of course, results may vary depending on which faction you take (looking at you Tau). The thing that we’re afraid of is that Kill Team will end up being a reskinned small-point 40k game.

The players will set up their models and have the Commanders slaughter the specialists on opposing sides to only then duke it out until one dies.

kill team commander

One of the pictures posted up by Warhammer Community actually had a full-on Broodlord in the ranks of a handful of Genestealers. How in the world is that supposed to be dealt with?

If it’s anything the way Broodlords are in 40k, those “auras and buffs” they mentioned will bring Genestealers to the point of being able to swallow a unit whole.

Things May Go Right

rhino tau

Hopefully, GW will make those Commanders cost a hefty amount of points. That way if a player DOES take a Broodlord, at least he’ll have to sacrifice quite a few models to take it. The opponent will only have a couple of is models turned into paste every turn. (better than all of them!)

Would you like to see Commanders stay out of Kill Team? Would you rather play something like a Broodlord and only have a few models? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.