Last Day Alert: Get Alternative Legions Imperialis Terrain Now!

Epic Sector : Sanctuary alternative Legions Imperials terrainIt’s the Final day to pick up this modular alternative Legions Imperialis terrain and all the stretch goal rewards from FabricatorsLair!

Nowadays, one of the best ways to pick up out-of-stock and overpriced models and terrain is to buy alternative 3D STL files and print them yourself. This MyMiniFactory project from FabricatorsLair is just another shining example of this philosophy with hundreds of awesome modular terrain pieces!

Ground tiles, baseplates, pre-builds, and even more are available with the Epic Sector: Sanctuary bundle.

Epic Sector: Sanctuary Terrain Project

Epic Sector : Sanctuary

Unlock your city-building potential and set up an epic urban confrontation with these new gothic buildings and terrain!

Epic Sector : Sanctuary is a complete modular scenery in a grimdark gothic style for epic-scale wargame like legions imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus or Epic 40k. It includes :

  • Modular building system
  • Ruins
  • Pre-build buildings
  • Ground Tiles, with canal and bridge
  • Bases to match the miniatures with the scenery

Modular Building Bases

With 93 different building blocks, each available at three different heights, you’ll have 279 different blocks to work with during your construction efforts, not even including the different ruins, tops, and roof blocks available alongside them.

Ruins Options

Determine the decimation of your battleground with all of the extra ruins options to help shake up your debris game!

Modular Building

At this point, you might as well call it LEGO Imperialis with all of the different combinations of modular pieces you can run to make impressive custom buildings.

Bridge and canal

It doesn’t stop at just the buildings and ruins, either. You can make bridges and canals and even customize the baseplate layout underneath your custom or pre-build terrain. The sky is the limit with the kind of setups you run terrain-wise!

Milestone Progress

Milestones Stretch Goal 2 Stretch Goal 4 Stretch Goal 3 Stretch Goal 5 Stretch Goal 6 Stretch Goal 7

The project has hit all seven of its stretch goals. When you make your pledge, you’re getting even more bang for your buck!

Pledge Tier Options Starts at $23

Tier options

You’ve got six different tiers to choose from, and you can snag all these terrain files for just $28! Time is running out, with only one day left in this MyMiniFactory project. Don’t let this chance slip away to take your terrain game to the next level for your upcoming Legion Imperialis showdown!

Click Here For Your Alternative Legions Imperialis Terrain!

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