Lil’ Legend Studios

Miles from ‘lil loser studios just posted up this fresh new Blood Raven Librarian. I’m not sure on that chapter’s fluff, but he calls him Houe’ Ka, Lord of the Inferno, and he’s pretty hot indeed!

Read More | December 16th, 2014

  “Vae Victis.”   ********************   Jes Godwin’s original Kharn the Betrayer still holds up well to Games Workshops contemporary line (even Forge World) but it is only natural with the release of Kharn the Bloody that someone would create this conversion. Forge World’s sculpt is more dynamic that his predosessor and I was keen […]

Read More | August 20th, 2014

Varrus Corxeion Blade Master of the 3rd Millennial, Emperor’s Children Purified. The Purified were an order established at the very start of the Legion’s creation that attempted to create a system of excellence with the nascent legion. Unknowingly mirroring their gene father’s Legacy for excellence in all things the Purified admitted only those gifted with […]

Read More | June 19th, 2014

It is well known that the Elves long ago attained mastery over the winds of magic that ebb and flow through the great weave of reality.  Cults of the Naggarothii: Assassins. Midnight Black. All beings of that race is in some way touched by that warping influence and all are capable to minor magics; the […]

Read More | March 20th, 2019

“But, you know, I feel more fellowship with the defeated than with saints. Heroism and sanctity don’t really appeal to me, I imagine. What interests me is being a man.” Attributed to Mortarion [Unverified] ++++++++++++++++++++++ Like Typhus, Mortarion allowed me the chance to stretch my weathering legs. The armour was painted in a pale bone and shaded […]

Read More | May 30th, 2014

What an utterly gorgeous kit. I knew from the outset I wanted more of a classic paint job – earthy oranges, greens and browns. The wood effect was created using a base of a red brown highlighted with pure white, then washed with orange. In the very highest parts I have added texture to the […]

Read More | May 22nd, 2014

Another model on the hit list of things I must paint before I shuffle off this mortal coil. The work Jes done on the initial Warhammer 40K character models went on to define the very character of the armies themselves. The Blood Angels had the late antiquity/ renaissance vibe, the Imperial Guard had Yarrick, Space Wolves = Dark […]

Read More | May 15th, 2014