How Marines Communicate: Damocles Rhino LORE

Damocles00When Astartes need to command Battle Companies in significant campaigns, the Damocles Command Rhino enables them to do so. Come see this cool little tank.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

The Damocles Command Rhino is a Rhino-based command vehicle used by the Space Marines for large-scale operations or campaigns. The Damocles is an example of the kind of advanced technology available to the current Space Marines. It is used only in operations where command and control of significant Space Marine formations is required, such as a battlegroup consisting of a Battle Company plus support elements.

The Damocles provides a communications link between the Force Commander, his battlegroup, and any air or orbital assets operating in the area. Space Marine forces are generally commanded either by their Chapter Master (the leader of the entire chapter) or one of the Captains (the company leaders).

When several chapters are engaged in a single crusade or battle action, the responsibility of overall command goes to the most tactically and strategically able of the leaders involved, who is referred to for the length of the engagement as the “Force Commander”. For this reason, the Damocles is rarely committed to front-line actions, and typically hidden away to prevent enemy interference.


In addition to the driver, the Damocles is crewed by a communications officer and a tactical officer. These Space Marines will have undergone additional training with the Chapter’s Techmarines in order to operate this sophisticated technology. There is also room for the Force Commander next to the driver, allowing him the ability to keep himself updated on the developing situation.

The command vehicle is packed with some of the most advanced technology available to the Imperium at large. It mounts secure, multi-band communications gear that acts as a communications hub for the battlegroup, with signal boosters to allow ground-to-orbital comm-links, as well as the ability to communicate with other Imperial command units operating in the area.


It can also monitor, intercept and decrypt enemy communications, which in addition to a multi-spectral auspex allows it to track enemy movements. Link-up with an orbital relay allows the Damocles to track individual squads and vehicles for an entire Chapter, as well as bio-status readouts provided directly by the Marines’ power armor. Finally, the Damocles includes a teleport homer, which produces a strong signal to allow for much safer and accurate teleportations. Teleport Homers are antique pieces of equipment used by Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Daemonhunters.

They produce a signal which can be locked onto by Terminator Armor suits and which enable them to teleport onto the battlefield with much greater accuracy than simply arriving and scattering. This is a useful piece of equipment, however to be effective it needs to be on the battlefield and in the correct position, which could put the bearer in substantial danger.

The Damocles can be further upgraded with Dozer Blades, Extra Armour, Hunter-killer Missile, Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter, Searchlight and Smoke Launchers.


Read more about the Damocles Command Rhino