Dante’s 1,100 Years of Leadership: LORE

By Juan Lopez | December 3rd, 2017 | Categories: Blood Angels, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

commander dante lore

Dante is the current Chapter Master of the Blood Angels and is one of the most experienced and able Space Marine commanders.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

Dante is the current Chapter Master of the Blood Angels. Commander Dante is one of the most experienced and able Space Marine commanders. In no small part, this is due to the longevity of the Blood Angels, which he has ruled for 1,100 years. Dante is the oldest living Space Marine in the Imperium (excluding Dreadnoughts) and is held in awe by leaders of other Chapters, who can remember him being a famous commander when they were in the Scout Company.

Dante was born in 447.M40 on Baal Secundus (Baal’s second moon) and his growth was stunted by malnutrition and radiation. When he took part in his clans trials at the Place of Challenge he showed no special promise, but nonetheless survived. Afterwards he was inducted into the Blood Angels Chapter as an Aspirant. He first drew notice when during his transformation after drinking the gene-seed synthesized blood of Sanguinius, he went into a year long coma and cried out the names of fallen primarchs, dark gods, and long-banished Daemons. Upon emerging Dante was trained to become a battle-brother, then – Brother-Sergeant. He reached the rank of Captain in 753.M40 Later he took part in the Kallius Insurrection of M40, where every Captain of the Blood Angels but Dante himself was slain, and it was decided by the gathered Chaplains and Sanguinary Priests that he would become the new Chapter Master.



His very presence inspires troops to acts of valour that are extraordinary even for Space Marines. Because of this reputation, when it came to choosing a leader for the Armageddon intervention, the Masters of the other two Chapters taking part (the Salamanders and the Ultramarines) unanimously asked for him to be placed in charge. Dante is a legend not just amongst the Blood Angels but also amongst the common citizenry of the Imperium, to whom he is a saviour, a golden-armoured hero who descends to save them in their darkest hour.

Commander Dante has led the Blood Angels to some of their greatest victories, from the bloody campaigns in Ultima Macharia to the Liberation of Canau. He clove the mighty Bloodthirster Skarbrand in two at the Gates of Pandemonium and drove the Orks from the twelve worlds of Blackfang.

dante and blood angels

Perhaps his most famous victories were in the Second War for Armageddon, where his leadership allowed the beleaguered defenders to triumph over the fury of Waaagh! Ghazghkull. There he led the valiant strike against the Orks attacking Hive Acheron, where the horde was ripped asunder by cannon and bomb as Dante spearheaded the reinforcements. And it was in the closing stages of the war that Dante’s tactical genius finally broke the back of the Ork army, leading a massed Drop Pod assault against the Orks assaulting Hive Tartarus, his Blood Angels slaying fully half of the Orks and driving them back to the ash wastes and jungles. In the closing days of the 41st Millennium, heroes like Dante are points of light in the growing darkness.

He stands, as he has done for a millennium or more, between the enemies of Mankind and the Imperium. As a leader, Dante is utterly fearless, and full of drive and initiative. If his opponents ever make a mistake, Dante is on it in a flash, and he always exploits their error to the fullest. He has a reputation for leading from the front and can usually be found where the battle is fiercest. Plummeting from the skies at the head of his personal bodyguard, a halo of power playing around his head.


Yet for all of his success, or perhaps because of it, Dante has grown weary of his burdens. He has lived far longer than he should, and the burden of centuries grows even weightier. Only one thing prevents Dante succumbing to ennui. Recorded in the Scrolls of Sanguinius are the Primarchs visions of a great battle to overshadow all others, where one golden warrior will stand between his Emperor and the darkness. For many generations of the Blood Angels, these prophecies have been read as Sanguinius’ foreknowledge of his own fate, yet through some instinct, perhaps a lingering trace of his Primarch’s fabled far-seeing eye, Dante believes otherwise.

One day, perhaps one day soon, the defense of the Emperor will rest in Dante’s hands, and he aims to fulfill this final duty. During the Devastation of Baal, Dante led the Blood Angels and their successor chapter’s in a final stand against Hive Fleet Leviathan. During the battle Dante managed to slay the Swarmlord but was badly wounded in the process. Fortunately for the Chapter Master, Baal was saved by Roboute Guilliman and the Indomitus Crusade.

Dante end

Read More About Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels